All reasonable.
Mario has major flaws, deserves a lot of the criticism he's gotten. What irritates me is when he does something awesome, like landing Lucas, or Beck, or replacing Guidry with Mad Eyes, half this fan base has to post "yes but" right in the announcement thread, then run off and create another thread on how bad everything still is. I track the mope narrative to see how well it holds together over time because it irritates me to no end.
Mario also has strengths despite all his weaknesses. You say an evaluator/developer/Xs & Os guy would be better. Who? I thought Herman was that guy at one point, Riley at another, Fickel at another. None looking so hot now. I honestly don't know who would do a better job here at Miami. There really aren't that many good HCs out there. And of those that are really good, very very few would leave where they are now and make good fits at Miami. So why crap on him all the time?
p.s., While I'm at it, here's another mope narrative -- he's paid $8M a year so is vastly underperforming his compensation. Well, as of now, he's the 16th highest paid HC, barely ahead of Fickell and Gundy. Mark Stoops makes $9M a year.