Mario vs Utah Round 2

Manny’s firing has been rumored for weeks. Why didn’t the team quit on him? I’m not advocating for Manny, but makes you wonder the mentality Mario is instilling in his players
big difference between firing and leaving for another job. if players like the coach, and it seems like a decent chunk do with manny, then they'll go to bat for him on the field if they hear his job's on the line. on the other hand, if a coach is leaving of his own accord, players will feel like what they're doing doesn't matter one way or another and lose motivation.
excited owls GIF
Manny’s firing has been rumored for weeks. Why didn’t the team quit on him? I’m not advocating for Manny, but makes you wonder the mentality Mario is instilling in his players

That is a fair point and, to be honest, you have to give Manny and his coaches credit on that count.
Oregon was lights out in Columbus without Thibodeaux (and Justin Flowe).

They've been mediocre as all get-out the rest of the season.

Could easily be 7-5 right now.

(Not advocating for or against MC, just pointing how lacksadaisical the Ducks have looked most of this season)
Manny’s firing has been rumored for weeks. Why didn’t the team quit on him? I’m not advocating for Manny, but makes you wonder the mentality Mario is instilling in his players
I’d say the young guys playing had a lot to do with that. Things looked really bad until NCST.