Mario/Rad vs Manny/Blake

O line is head and shoulders better. Foundation being set.
Will get better albeit slowly.
They hired the HC before the AD. That in itself should have been a red flag.

Rad was a solid AD at Clemson but I’m concerned he took early retirement to come back down here and be a yes man.
Agree: Never hire From the bottom up. Always hire from the top down.
Was coming to say this... Rad knew what he was walking into so he doesn't get a complete pass but everyone that says something like 'Rad needs to sit Mario down and tell him to change x,y,z'... what leverage does Rad have? Not only does Mario have 6? 7? more years on his contract w/o a buyout that Miami almost certainly can't afford, he wasn't even hired by Rad. The only thing that Rad can potentially do (I say potentially as I don't know what is in Mario's contract) is withhold money for coordinators unless they meet certain criteria, but then you are starting to play a game of mutually assured destruction and/or likely to end up with a fractured coaching staff if Mario is always at odds with the OC that he didn't want to hire in the first place.

They threw a bunch of money at Rad and said that in order to get the money he had to be ok with taking Mario. Now Rad can't do anything realistic about Mario and he has the legit excuse of 'I didn't make this hire, you saddled me with it' if people want to come at him later.

Same thing for those that say 'Zo needs to talk to Mario', sure he can talk to him but again, if Mario doesn't agree/take his advice it's not like Zo can do anything about it.

One can hope that Mario has an epiphany about the offense - his hero Saban did - but his history here and Oregon doesn't make that seem likely.
We won’t know how well Alonzo helped evaluate players for another year or two.
blame Rudy and Echeverria, I know they read this board too. You dumb fckssss know 0 about football, 0 about how to run an athletic department. You fcked us by overpaying a Neanderthal FOR HC and a retiree to be our AD. Come PNGA
and made the worst baseball head coaching hire in the history of the sport...strong arming the process to hire from within a failed regime. the incompetence and blatant mishandling/meddling in these coaching hire processes is remarkable
Everyone on this site minus a few astute people wanted Cristobal. Based on that, everyone should wait until the end of his contract to complain about the hire. Negativity at this point only hurts the program. I'm 100% for Cristobal now.
Fair pushback and I don’t think we have a choice but to be 100% on him. I’m just the most frustrated / ss informed I’ve been in 15 years. Venting to the good folks of CIS
We won’t know how well Alonzo helped evaluate players for another year or two.
Well I would add that we likely never know for sure (unless an insider provides input) as just b/c he identifies a player doesn't mean that 1) Mario/other coaches will agree or 2) even if they do, if they can get that player.
Everyone on this site minus a few astute people wanted Cristobal. Based on that, everyone should wait until the end of his contract to complain about the hire. Negativity at this point only hurts the program. I'm 100% for Cristobal now.


We all see the issues with Mario but he's not getting fired any time soon. Our toxic negativity as a fanbase can only do more harm to the program.

Stop crying and hope Mario gets this thing right.