Mario/Rad vs Manny/Blake

I would say worse simply because the numbers don't lie and Mario has been given numerous resources whereas Manny did not get this from the Administartion. It's not even close and Mario is a failure based on the record, resources, and the hiring fiasco he created.
Some of us correctly said Rad was here to build a few things and retire. That he had no real success hiring coaches or “running” a legit athletic department. And that he’s a fancy general contractor. But of course the sunshine pumpers lied to themselves and said “we byke.”

Some day the sunshine pumpers will realize they don’t actually hate the “mopes” and all the energy they spend blaming the mopes for Miami’s shortcomings, should really be focused on the people who are actually responsible for said shortcomings.

Until then, keep claiming people like me, “would rather be right, than see Miami succeed.” Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. It won’t hurt my feelings.
They hired the HC before the AD. That in itself should have been a red flag.

Rad was a solid AD at Clemson but I’m concerned he took early retirement to come back down here and be a yes man.
Was coming to say this... Rad knew what he was walking into so he doesn't get a complete pass but everyone that says something like 'Rad needs to sit Mario down and tell him to change x,y,z'... what leverage does Rad have? Not only does Mario have 6? 7? more years on his contract w/o a buyout that Miami almost certainly can't afford, he wasn't even hired by Rad. The only thing that Rad can potentially do (I say potentially as I don't know what is in Mario's contract) is withhold money for coordinators unless they meet certain criteria, but then you are starting to play a game of mutually assured destruction and/or likely to end up with a fractured coaching staff if Mario is always at odds with the OC that he didn't want to hire in the first place.

They threw a bunch of money at Rad and said that in order to get the money he had to be ok with taking Mario. Now Rad can't do anything realistic about Mario and he has the legit excuse of 'I didn't make this hire, you saddled me with it' if people want to come at him later.

Same thing for those that say 'Zo needs to talk to Mario', sure he can talk to him but again, if Mario doesn't agree/take his advice it's not like Zo can do anything about it.

One can hope that Mario has an epiphany about the offense - his hero Saban did - but his history here and Oregon doesn't make that seem likely.
Those preferring Manny should realize he is still just a defensive coordinator. Any reason other programs haven’t gone after him? What do you see that others don’t?
Some of us correctly said Rad was here to build a few things and retire. That he had no real success hiring coaches or “running” a legit athletic department. And that he’s a fancy general contractor. But of course the sunshine pumpers lied to themselves and said “we byke.”

Some day the sunshine pumpers will realize they don’t actually hate the “mopes” and all the energy they spend blaming the mopes for Miami’s shortcomings, should really be focused on the people who are actually responsible for said shortcomings.

Until then, keep claiming people like me, “would rather be right, than see Miami succeed.” Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. It won’t hurt my feelings.
Unless you use 10-15 paragraphs to explain all that you're a mope.
Blake hired Coach L so he’s in the lead. Rad hired Mario and the pitching coach
Will Ferrell Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Manny couldn't stay out of the defense and put an undisciplined product with 0 linebackers on the field the second Shaq graduated.
We were slowly becoming talent deprived under Manny. Blake is at BC so that tells you all you need to know.

Mario has been a disappointment so far but he's solidified our foundation as a football program.
Are we better/worse off than we were two years ago at this same time.

I’d argue no, if not neutral at best.
Radakovich is superior to Flake James in every way. Resumes don't even compare. Rad has overseen championship winning football teams. Flake was content with aaq season like this in perpetuity. As for Mario and Manny, I agree not much difference there except for the salary and resources.
I think neutral at best for the ADs. At the end of the day, we still have a largely powerless AD.

As for coaches, I never could and still can’t stand Manny but I’m starting to think we would be better with him. He at least was way less stubborn and more willing to change things.
blame Rudy and Echeverria, I know they read this board too. You dumb fckssss know 0 about football, 0 about how to run an athletic department. You fcked us by overpaying a Neanderthal FOR HC and a retiree to be our AD. Come PNGA

Everyone on this site minus a few astute people wanted Cristobal. Based on that, everyone should wait until the end of his contract to complain about the hire. Negativity at this point only hurts the program. I'm 100% for Cristobal now.
Worse. We’ve spent a boatload and are locked into a bad marriage.

2 years ago a change was happening soon.

We are looking at 5 years of this regime at this point
We prob won’t be able to afford the buy out in 5 years either.

Without a ton of $$$ Mario isn’t an amazing recruiter either. But people don’t want to see that or accept that fact