Malik Bryant 3.0, Announcement 7/27 @ Noon

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This board HAS to be 90% 12 year olds…

Has to be…
I had to take a break from the board for a couple of days.

People don’t realize that any time that they start crying like bleeding mangimas, the gayturd and hole fans are laughing their a$$es of at them, just like we laugh our @$$es off at them on Gaytor Tears and Hole Tears.

As the saying goes, don’t ever let ‘em see you sweat.
Boston Celtics Lol GIF by NBA
Red Nose Baseball GIF by MLB

Lets Go GIF by Regal
If more porsters would learn to take a few days off from cruitin’ when things aren’t going exactly as they’d like, expect or demand, life would be so much more pleasant.

You’d think the sky was falling and that Mario and staff hadn’t previously secured commitments from a good number of savages. Sometimes I think that a lot of these posters have to be in their teens, because grown *** man should not be acting a fool like some of these dudes do.

When things aren't going as well as we like recruiting wise, we talk classic Championship Wrestling from Florida to ease our souls and let Solie find out whiy recruiting is slow.

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