Malik Bryant 3.0, Announcement 7/27 @ Noon

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It had nothing to do with the decision…..nada. It wasn’t good or bad for UM.
So, his decision was made, other facets of his announcement ... party, social gathering with friends, venue ... those were the factors that caused the delay ... and he will be announcing the same pick later this week (apparently) and UM is still projected to be the lean.

It had nothing to do with the decision…..nada. It wasn’t good or bad for UM.
I really want to understand what went down with this one. Not being on the inside makes it harder to read what may have gone down. Mostly curious, not judgmental.

It seems minute but enough to put the brakes on something that he had planned with his boy until PK went rogue. Then he looked to just be getting his announcement out in the open…then the push back. I hope you give us an idea into the behind the curtain look once this is wrapped up. Until then, thank you for sharing what you can. It is so appreciated!
Dmoney said it was logistical and you guys clowned him.
@Cribby says that's cap. Dunno has a good show but he aint plugged in more than the stuff u hear here. He probably reads this board as well.
He never claimed to be plugged in… he said he reads what we read, but he also reaches out to people who cover recruiting for a living.
I told y’all Saturday there was a reason for all of this and to calm your little throbbing vaginas down.
If more porsters would learn to take a few days off from cruitin’ when things aren’t going exactly as they’d like, expect or demand, life would be so much more pleasant.

You’d think the sky was falling and that Mario and staff hadn’t previously secured commitments from a good number of savages. Sometimes I think that a lot of these posters have to be in their teens, because grown *** man should not be acting a fool like some of these dudes do.
If more porsters would learn to take a few days off from cruitin’ when things aren’t going exactly as they’d like, expect or demand, life would be so much more pleasant.

You’d think the sky was falling and that Mario and staff hadn’t previously secured commitments from a good number of savages. Sometimes I think that a lot of these posters have to be in their teens, because grown *** man should not be acting a fool like some of these dudes do.
This board HAS to be 90% 12 year olds…

Has to be…
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