Lu, you firing up the Duke Johnson bandwagon next?
For real I was big on him and then those early reports from McDonald had me doing the Jack Nicholson head nod.
Can't have a bandwagon for Duke. Ethenic and I basically compared him to NFL HoF Running backs before his senior season in HS. I think Ethenic has compared him to M. Faulk. I've thought the guy was the alien child of Tomlinson and Warrick Dunn for 2 years. Everyone on here loves the guy so much.
It's impossible to get a bandwagon for him, I think. It's just an express train and it's on auto-pilot. I reserve bandwagons for the guys that need a little mojo to take a leap.
On my list:
- I have a couple of my best horses pulling the Malcolm Lewis bandwagon
- I had to let go of the Erek Flowers bandwagon because it transitioned to auto-pilot (but I still think he's likely the highest draft pick of this recruiting class)
- Had to take off my best horse from the Curtis Porter bandwagon. Enough people have joined in that it's closer to auto-pilot.
- I have some of my decent horses pulling the Jawand Blue bandwagon. Again, I picture him like that insanely annoying VTech defender who makes like 5 unnecessary plays against us. (Kirby's bandwagon is sufficiently stocked)
- I have a dark horse on Asante Cleveland's bandwagon. I'm a big fan of his potential and what he can do for us down the middle of the field.
- I've kept a solid horse on the Brandon Linder bandwagon. He had a crap year last year for the most part, but he should be an NFL lineman.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I have to see the DBs in more extensive action. I'd like to initiate a bandwagon there.
Brandon Linder had a crap year? Did you grade him out every game?