Major Applewhite to be named new offensive coordinator at Miami

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Appreciate actual conversation instead of just a thumbs down. I agree that Manny is targeting a certain philosophy, that I would agree on Applewhite, but is the personality really a Miami fit? In terms of the comment that if they reach a certain level, they will be let go, well that is just opinion. Right now what I’m seeing is people are excited about the level of energy and that just doesn’t move me anymore. Manny is like a hybrid of Golden and Randy. He is a local like Randy and saying all the right things like Golden. People are eating it up and I’m just on the wait and see tip. Lastly, yes if we start winning, the recruits will come, we saw that with 18 class. We will find out real quick what we have with Manny, this is an extremely talented team going into 2019, we should easily win 10 next year and we start with a decent UF team that will set the tone for the year.

I understand, we've all been beaten down by the head scratching decisions made by this school. And I agree Manny is talking a good game right now, so we'll see.

But if you look at Manny's history, he seems to be trending upward, learning and growing from each prior coaching position, good or bad. He wasn't my first pick for HC and I'm sure he'll make some rookie mistakes, but I think he's smart enough to learn from them and get better. You can see the difference in him from coker, shannon, golden, and richt. That's what gives me hope.
I understand, we've all been beaten down by the head scratching decisions made by this school. And I agree Manny is talking a good game right now, so we'll see.

But if you look at Manny's history, he seems to be trending upward, learning and growing from each prior coaching position, good or bad. He wasn't my first pick for HC and I'm sure he'll make some rookie mistakes, but I think he's smart enough to learn from them and get better. You can see the difference in him from coker, shannon, golden, and richt. That's what gives me hope.

I think he has done a great job saying all the right things. But I really hope he can deliver on them because if not, its gonna get ugly quick.
[QUOTE="KamalaJones, post: 3764914, member: 21321"]A certain personality/philosophy style or a limited budget? I ask this because there are some stud OCs on the market like Sarkisian and Matt Canada but they cost more than Applewhite.[/QUOTE]

I think at this point it's both of these.

Manny may not be able to get his most savage guy because of cost. Everybody knows how cheap UM has been in the past, but if Manny starts winning, hopefully the BOT/admin will provide the funds.
Kendall Briles was OC at Houston this past season and he was a hotter OC hire than Applewhite for a reason.

Applewhite became available only 3 days ago.
Briles wasn't an option for many schools for obvious reasons.

Myself, I don't know shet about how this will turn out.
We will now have an offense. How good it will be still depends on how our QB and the guys up front do.
We can all make a better assessment based on field results 9 or 10 months from now.
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I stopped believing anyone at UM when they use the words national search" and "receiving lots of calls for the coveted position

So I'm not shocked it ends up being someone Manny worked with. I will however support Manny and Major until they give me on-field reasons not to.

But I think we all need to agree to stop posting that pic of Manny and major while they worked at Texas. They both look like f*gs who don't belong coaching football.
I understand, we've all been beaten down by the head scratching decisions made by this school. And I agree Manny is talking a good game right now, so we'll see.

But if you look at Manny's history, he seems to be trending upward, learning and growing from each prior coaching position, good or bad. He wasn't my first pick for HC and I'm sure he'll make some rookie mistakes, but I think he's smart enough to learn from them and get better. You can see the difference in him from coker, shannon, golden, and richt. That's what gives me hope.
He had a decent stint as an DC here at Miami, highlighted with the fact that he improved on his 3rd down percentage this year after struggling with it the year before. Other than that, he had one good year at Texas and then was meh up until he showed up at Miami. While at Miami he was decent but let’s not forget that outside of a couple games every year, we have a crazy talent advantage against the Coastal teams. I’m sorry I digress here as the original convo was the hire of Applewhite. In general I’m frustrated by the usual sunshine pumping that happens with a new hire. I want nothing more than for Manny to succeed. I just start seeing flashes of Golden when people are calling him a savage for firing a terrible offensive staff. We have a green HC that talks the talk and has yet to make that splash hire we were hoping for. His real test will be next September and we will find out what he is made of then, as another poster said, I’m cautiously optimistic
He had a decent stint as an DC here at Miami, highlighted with the fact that he improved on his 3rd down percentage this year after struggling with it the year before. Other than that, he had one good year at Texas and then was meh up until he showed up at Miami. While at Miami he was decent but let’s not forget that outside of a couple games every year, we have a crazy talent advantage against the Coastal teams. I’m sorry I digress here as the original convo was the hire of Applewhite. In general I’m frustrated by the usual sunshine pumping that happens with a new hire. I want nothing more than for Manny to succeed. I just start seeing flashes of Golden when people are calling him a savage for firing a terrible offensive staff. We have a green HC that talks the talk and has yet to make that splash hire we were hoping for. His real test will be next September and we will find out what he is made of then, as another poster said, I’m cautiously optimistic


Not pumping sunshine, but Sept, not making excuses, is too soon to judge. I know a lot people will be looking at that game and if he loses to uf there's going to be criticism, but if he can beat fsu and win the coastal, that's a solid first year.

I'm looking to see how they close on NSD, that will be telling to see if pick off some top talent.
I'm ok with his offense. I'm even ok with being fooled by Donofrio. What I can't understand is why he was such a douche to one of the best players in that schools history, who was just trying to stay warm on the sidelines. Applesauce was totally in the wrong, then doubled down on his stupidity when called out on it.

Because the team started the season with only one lose 7-1 I believe and that Top 10 projected Defensive lineman was supposed to have a "Knee" Injury but was recorded by ESPN running wide receiver routes and high pointing the ball mid air. "A DEFENSIVE TACKLE" Gerald Willis III wasn't running round doing one handed push ups on his bad wrist pre game on a game hes sitting. Honestly it's nice to see him check a "Franchise Player" but he shouldn't of touched him in this day and age. Too much backlash from bored people.
People who know football are not surprised that Saban has won multiple championships at Bama. Saban would have done the same thing at LSU had he stayed. Saban is that good.

Oh Yeah. "People Who Know Football" Huh. Did Saban solve the Dolphins Sudoku? I know Football, Saban picked Culpepper. In College He Gets Multiple Options from Brain Washed Big Boys who are probably bandwagon and look for that "Signing Bonus" Bill Belichick, Andy Reid, Don Shula Know Football. They Actually coach. Every year there's a higher percentage that Alabama wins than New England because
Dino Babers' at Syracuse wins because his teams are hardnosed and disciplined. Do you want to ask Clemson how hardnosed Syracuse is after knocking Clemson's starting QB out of the game two years in a row? Also, Dungy is a good dual threat QB so that keeps opposing defenses honest.

It's like your getting paid to troll. 1. If UM knocks a QB out of a game they will hit our player with targeting like they did our opener against "L"su. 2. If Saban is so great he would have picked Brees over Culpepper 3. Are you a LSU fan? Saban fan? or just a stupid fan? 4. We get your fake concern like if Major Applewhite is going to Steal the Turnover Chain And Pawn it. We Good. Have fun Wit Dat Boudan, Gobble some Gumbo and Crawl away with that Crawfish
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Idea was that if we went with an inexperienced HC like we did, we would go all out on an OC and the rest of the staff. Applewhite is decent but not great, hopefully we get Seider also to add recruiting. In terms of the fantasy island comment, you are correct, I was hoping for too much. We are now a middling program that hopes to compete for the Coastal every year and anything after is a bonus. Not what I had hoped for but it is reality
I don't think we need a home run hire with Miami's talent to be better than middling. Even a good OC and QB coach can have this team back in the top 12. But we do need somebody talented who is a dynamic thinker. Besides Applewhite brings HC experience and Manny is probably gonna lean on that a little.

I think the defense is set to pick up where it left off. Lets see who the QB's coach is and if they can recover some portion of this recruiting class's rankings. Things can go south in one season and they can go north in the next.
I could put a headset on my dog’s **** and get better brain function and work than Rick delivered. We ain’t looking to go from loose stool to firm stool.

I’m cautiously pessimistic.

You are usually wrong on everything so that makes make me cautiously optimistic.
I see that. But for some reason I thought with the ACC and Adidas money you all would do something different and get with the times in big time college football and pay big money for assistants.

Obviously tell that this guy is here to troll.
This seems like it shouldn’t take long. Compensation. Buyout. Basic clause reviews. Attorneys agree. Roll out the podium.
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