Louisville v Boston College Game Thread

You can’t make this up. Shough played lights out against, but is playing like crap tonight.

He had the WR wide open at the 1. Dude probably scores, but instead he tries to run it in when he has zero chance to.

We get every team’s best game.
Losing to us was demoralizing
Both of these things are true.

-Louisville isn’t this bad. They just came out sleepy. In the first half they played like their season was over, bc it is. Miami ended it last week.
-Their offense isn’t as good as we made it look.
Reading this thread you would think we were out there losing to BC.

Man yall some of the smallest “men” around. Buncha Chicken Littles

All yall need to sack up and give yer balls a tug.
There are two amfembian egg laying seasons:

Fall Games and Spring PractiCe
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