Looking very good for a vaccine so we can enjoy sports

The normal standard for a vaccine to be released is after 10-15 years of testing and monitoring. Even those can Fck u up. You have to be out of your mind to take a vaccine that’s coming out anywhere near this current time period.

A completely new vaccine could take that long, but not one using the same methodologies and components as other "like" vaccines already in the market. That's what some companies out there are doing. There's also more data sharing on early testing protocols, results, efficacy and safety than any other drug/vaccine i've ever seen.
many nursing home, elderly and immune compromised I read have not been out much if any and do not have the heard immunity. No, 2020 cannot be saved but the development of this very promising vaccine was done in more than record time. Just an no once can save those decades of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria that ran through four presidents that cost our service men and women dearly and cost the tax payers 2.4 trillion dollars.
Herd immunity.
The normal standard for a vaccine to be released is after 10-15 years of testing and monitoring. Even those can Fck u up. You have to be out of your mind to take a vaccine that’s coming out anywhere near this current time period.
This. A few months after a supposedly 'novel' virus, and we're on the doorstep of a vaccine. L.O.L.

Modern medicine has developed a safe and effective vaccine for a respiratory coronavirus how many times? Zero?
As a canine social influencer, eye will take the vaccine made bye witchever farma company pays me the moist two take there vaccine and recommend it too others.
Sure, Astro-Zeneca sends you a package—you think it’s a check and some paperwork. You open it up and their’s some paperwork alright— and a sampler of biscuits and treats. No money, though. At best a coupon for more treats.

(Actually, I’m in an Astra-Zeneca non-vaccine study right now—every time I go down there I get a $50 gift card, no treats.)
Form Bloomberg News--
Logistics alone will take 6-12 months to truly dispense and inoculate meaningful portion of population. Probably closer to 24 months in reality. Few (actually only one) way to shorten timeline--and that is a very inpalatable optic.

So, who gets the first dosages? Free for all? Athletes? Celebrities? You? Me? Fred down street? Most vulnerable? (btw its likely LEAST effective for them due to co-morbidity complications just like influenza vax). Are children first in line, or better stated, is YOUR kid going to be patient #1?

Tough, tough issues ahead.

This is, however, a hopeful first step as we try and clear the rubble and save what is left (not much) of the small business ecosystem (that USE TO employ ~48% of US workforce).
Covid19 will be on the low backside of its curve long before there is a real vac. IOW pointless.
Some people here don’t think things through.

This vax wont be ready in time to save this season. If the season is played, we will play this season without a vaccine. Guaranteed.

So, who gets the first dosages?
They'll likely use Active Duty as the first large test bed for whichever vaccine is pushed through the FDA. Because you know, we got that Tricare Prime to fall back on if a 2nd ***** starts growing on our foreheads a week after getting the vaccine. VA will probably determine it's a pre-existing condition when I retire though.

I jest, but DoD will probably be on the short list.
This. A few months after a supposedly 'novel' virus, and we're on the doorstep of a vaccine. L.O.L.

Modern medicine has developed a safe and effective vaccine for a respiratory coronavirus how many times? Zero?
Dont make sense man. Dont you do it