Look at Baez shade on Tyler Byrd lol

How many times do we have to tell one another that this isn't about Tennessee before some of us figure it out.

We have a problem of support and the recruits don't just see it, they feel it.

I am as upset as the next fan, but let's be honest about the Byrd situation.

We don't have enough money or support to lure top quality players consistently. We are relying on legacy players from the '80s.

We don't have enough money for our own stadium.

It's sad. Look at the picture in the tweet. We don't even have enough money to light up our own sign. It's half lit!! Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

We don't even have enough money or support to have a message board server that will host media files, pictures, videos etc....

We need to be realistic about this.

clearly a hick troll from the backwoods. not worth responding to this clown.
How many times do we have to tell one another that this isn't about Tennessee before some of us figure it out.

We have a problem of support and the recruits don't just see it, they feel it.

Feel free to take every single recruit that has "fan support" at the collegiate level as their number one priority.
On second thought I get why some of you are stuck on Tennessee.

The only reason we have our current coach is because he couldn't beat Tennessee, and our previous head coach was good enough to be Tennessee's TE coach.

The connections stop there though.

We need more support.
On second thought I get why some of you are stuck on Tennessee.

The only reason we have our current coach is because he couldn't beat Tennessee, and our previous head coach was good enough to be Tennessee's TE coach.

The connections stop there though.

We need more support.

Lmao have fun with the immature kid on your team now leave lmao!!!
Ok, I think it's time to stop talking about UT. Irrelevant, forgettable, do-nothing program. This thread probably gave them more "press" then they'll get all next year....
On second thought I get why some of you are stuck on Tennessee.

The only reason we have our current coach is because he couldn't beat Tennessee, and our previous head coach was good enough to be Tennessee's TE coach.

The connections stop there though.

We need more support.

The reason CMR is at Miami dang sure isn't due to his inability to beat the buttchugging hillbillies but keep that delusion of greatness you have going on in that itty bitty brain of yours.

You hillbillies need to take that supposed support that you have an invest it in that cesspool of stadium that you have (which smells of sewage on game day btw) and actually get some sod put in that will grow and will quit ending players seasons (ie Keith Marshall, Justin Scott Wesley, and Nick Chubb just to name a few). If you hillbillies can't figure out how to provide a stadium with a suitable playing surface then the SEC should give you the boot and at the same time based on that you might want to cease talking down UM's stadium when you are comparing it your dump.
On second thought I get why some of you are stuck on Tennessee.

The only reason we have our current coach is because he couldn't beat Tennessee, and our previous head coach was good enough to be Tennessee's TE coach.

The connections stop there though.

We need more support.

You realize Richt won 5 of the last 6 games against Tennessee. Georgia just has higher standards than Tennessee. Georgia actually had a BETTER record than Tennessee and still fired their coach. Meanwhile you guys are celebrating your season and thinking you're in a better position for success than Georgia or Miami? Reality is gonna hit you little *****es hard.
On second thought I get why some of you are stuck on Tennessee.

The only reason we have our current coach is because he couldn't beat Tennessee, and our previous head coach was good enough to be Tennessee's TE coach.

The connections stop there though.

We need more support.

Who is we??
Because you are obviously a TN troll.
Very weak attempt.
If we started winning the ACC or maybe just the coastal division, maybe our support would pick up.
I don't know man. I don't think that will help. You look at Tennessee and they haven't won their conference in 18 years. That's before most of these kids were born and Tennessee has the support of 100k rednecks cheering for them every saturday. I said most because Tyler Byrd is almost getting Medicare.
If we coalesce together and become a house united, we can do it. We can support ourselves like when they throw those cheerleaders in the air.

I'm not aware of exactly what happened, but I'd be willing to bet there's some type of history between Richt and Butch Jones (or at least their staffs) from his tenure at UGA.

I think it has less to do with Butch/Richt and more to do with Larry Scott. I think he's bitter as **** (eventhough UM gave him the opportunity to be an interim coach when he was really qualified - more than any other school has given him to get his name out there) and he used that as motivation to go after UM recruits late in the process.

Didn't think about that. It could be that too

No it couldn't. Scott May be a decent coach, but he's no super recruiter. He couldn't take anyone from us who didn't want to go. Byrd didn't want to come to Miami so he didn't. End of story.
I'm not aware of exactly what happened, but I'd be willing to bet there's some type of history between Richt and Butch Jones (or at least their staffs) from his tenure at UGA.

I think it has less to do with Butch/Richt and more to do with Larry Scott. I think he's bitter as **** (eventhough UM gave him the opportunity to be an interim coach when he was really qualified - more than any other school has given him to get his name out there) and he used that as motivation to go after UM recruits late in the process.
I'm really not referring to them going after our recruits, but instead the actions of our coaches on social media. Richt hasn't shut that down which speaks volumes to me.