Lockhart and Ricardo Williams both granted their release

Lockhart just caught a ****ty break. Had an injury at an aweful time and then a guy like Waters stepped up big. He would probably RS this year any way so a transfer doesn't hurt him. Hope he catches on somewhere, he seems to have a lot of potential. Our WR depth chart isn't that inviting right now with Hurns, Dorsett, Scott, Lewis, Waters all seem to be proven or somewhat proven. Coley will push for immediate time. Then Carter and Scott.

Rico just didn't seem to be good enough to see the field

Hopefully Lane next year


wasn't lockhart apart of the VT class before we swooped in and swayed him? if so, the kid probably would be getting regular burn
Lockhart should go to Georgia Tech. Learn 2 routes, average 45 yards a catch and then straight to the first round.
Williams was a physical project from the start. He's an example of a guy who just wasn't going to grow into what we needed. He gained some weight, but it wasn't what we were hoping for. Sometimes it just happens that way. I wish him well.
Would've liked to see Lockhart stick it out but it was going to be an uphill battle for him. I can't be mad at him and I wish him good luck.
Lockhart has great talent/ability. However, barring a change in maturity and approach it's unlikely he would have been very successful here.
Dont really understand why a kid like Lockhart bolts so quickly

Saw the depth chart.
Dorsett, Scott, Lewis, Waters, Carter, Jones, with Griffin, Coley and Elder coming, not counting next year's newbies.
Coming off the ACL he's will be behind at least 7 guys counting Hurns this year and maybe 10 guys with the freshmen.
Unless we run out 5 receivers ever down this year he'd be lucky to see 10 targets all year long.
Like every player on the team he had his sit down with Golden and received the honest assessment of his present and future standing.

Forgot to add that this is all MY OPINION ONLY.
When a guy as talented as Lockhart is transferring because he can't get on the field....that's a positive sign.
didnt want lockhart from the start... ***** looked to slow... guess i was right again...
I think Lockhart transferring says more about the progress of Dmauri and Carter'sprogress then. Malcom lewis... which is a good thing.
Williams was a physical project from the start. He's an example of a guy who just wasn't going to grow into what we needed. He gained some weight, but it wasn't what we were hoping for. Sometimes it just happens that way. I wish him well.

Another example of a kid that stat wise was dominant in HS, but it didn't translate into the next level.
Jedd and Al mentioned Lockhart being the most talented wr on the roster last year( multiple times) but he was having issues learning the pb. It was never a talent issue.

He was starting to get burn when he tore the acl.

IMO, it was a matter of him having a major injury, an injury that normally takes close to two years to be 100% again. But the depth chart continuing to grow with talent.

Lots of these kids lack patience, they want it now.
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