Linda Robertson's "opinion" in todays herald

additionally one must consider the following to properly interpret and understand the motives of these so called reportes at the herald.

Most of them were possibly labeled as "nerds" in high school, the probably were the ones writing for the school news paper about pizza thursdays. Possibly went to college somewhere and continue to write for their school news paper about parking permits and such. Still socially devoud individuals excluded from the social scene. Many probably never getting having successful interpersonal or relational experiences. These individuals never really had much say or power in their lives...they then are presented with an opportunity to have a voice...they really dont know shytt but have a platform to express their opinions AKA as their reporting. In fact she still has no power or voice..she is a puppett of the editorial team and the ppl above her. She is allowed to writie and print things that contain a slant that those above her agree with.....

*** her and the other wannabe journalists at the herald, yahoo, and anywhere else. get a life, eat a dik, and *** off!!!

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For this fine example of sports writing tending towards yellow journalism Ms Robertson should be welcomed to the U and treated as the pariah that she aspires to be. It's all mostly crap, but to me these two lines stand out:

"During halftime of UM’s 54-50 win over Virginia on Tuesday, Shalala left her seat in the stands and went outside the arena to compose her rebuttal to the NCAA’s Notice of Allegations delivered earlier in the day."

How could the writer possibly know that? Did DS tell her, did she follow her and use spy glasses, was she in the room?

"If that is unfair or unsubstantiated, then show why." Is the writer unaware that in our system of justice the burden of proof is on the accuser? Or, does she believe that member colleges are vassals to the NCAA and therefore without recourse to any abuses of its authority?

Is there responsible adult supervision at the Herald?
Anyone who works in the communications field should understand that statements like the one Donna released on behalf of the University that night are not crafted during the halftime of a basketball game. What a dolt.

Yes, they are. Yes, they are.

See? I just proved it.

LOL.... well, that's the NCAA's definition of corroboration. LOL again
what do you expect from a newspaper that is struggling to stay afloat and in need of clicks and sells. they cover all miami sports in the same light
First, you just need to read Linda through the years to understand she's going to take a contrarian response. She's the deep thinker, if you will. Writes on the sports page, sure, but doesn't really know or fully understand the games. Doesn't care. Doesn't appreciate the passion. Probably thinks folks on this board were dropped here from another planet.

And so, in this case, she doesn't want to be on the bash-the-NCAA bandwagon. There's no juice in that. Nothing to separate yourself. But given that, some of her points even defy the basic Dan Sileo/Uncle Luke School of Logic. Consider just this one:

-- "The guy was a con man, sure, who duped gullible, greedy people out of lots of their money. But he was also a walking, talking, blinking red-arrow sign."

Hold on, you can't have it both ways. Which is it? Is he a sweet-talking con man or a juiced up, steroid dude with three heads that you can spot a mile away? Hey, a boat-load of dudes bought into this guy - including some wealthy, well-educated folks. Think about it, he either fooled, conned or screwed with the lives of the following - Miami coaches, players and officials, presumably shrewd investors over in Naples and elsewhere (including Hall of Fame coach and athletic director Barry Alvarez), at least one media organization (no surprise here), his own attorney (likely to be working a taco stand this time next year) and even one of the most righteous entities in the world of sports, the NCAA, which saw its top cop fired and the head of the organization (himself formerly president at the University of Washington and LSU) skewered and turned into a lame duck. **** yeah, it's easy to say Shapiro's a blinking red arrow sign in hindsight.

Again, sadly, if Shapiro were so easy to figure a whole lot of lives wouldn't have been turned upside down.
He conned the NCAA and Robinson too. Even his lawyer. I bet he cons people in prison out of candy bars and ****.
I also shot an email to the sports editor as well as the editor in chief, reminding them that shoddy pieces like hers is a reason why I don't, and don't let any family members, subscribe or buy the herald. I told them that it wasn't the point of view, just the inefficiencies in making it. Told them that if they wanted to take the side against a local team, that they better have a lot firmer ground to stand on.
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Ms. Robinson

I am not naive enough to expect any favoritism for the local teams in this market from the local media, especially not whenever the scent of blood is in the water. However, your off-base opinion piece goes a little too far. Foremost, realize that UM has been taking a pummeling from the media for over 2 years now, a media that harped on sensationalized charges that were eventually proven to be baseless in fact at worst, or impossible to substantiate at best. In this case, the media proved to be an all-too-eager band marching at the behalf of an insane drummer, the beat set by shoddy journalism of the worst sort, meant to drive page views at the expense of substantiated truth or good investigative journalism. Sadly that did not, however, preclude the wider media, including your own institution, from harping on the dramatic charges: 'abortion!' 'strippers!', laid down by Yahoo!.

Even now, when it has become obvious that so many journalists have joined the broke individuals duped or swindled by Mr. Shapiro, no apology, no olive branch of reasonable thinking has been extended in the direction of the university. Instead, not willing to give up the faint ghost of scandal, we get opinion pieces like your own.

First, your boxing analogy is way off. Considering how Miami has gotten pummeled in the process, by the media, by the NCAA, by other schools they compete against, it plays off a lot more like the first Rocky movie, as a pummeled UM, who could of easily thrown in the towel (and honestly might've done so, if football was not such a crucial revenue generating sport), expected by all to be KO-ed, is rising off the mat to throw a few punches.

Secondly, and most insultingly, your examples of the violations and sanctions of other teams are incomplete to the point of incorrectness. Yes, I realize you have a point to make, but were the point not so weak, maybe you could point out the actual violations: USC had a insultingly small compliance department, and did openly try and shield themselves by fighting the actual NCAA investigation, they didn't co-operate fully (aka, roll over) with the NCAA during the process. The Ohio State scandal was more than skin deep, not just pertaining to tattoos, with merchandise exchanging hands, not to mentioned the athletic department cover ups. In fact, if you want to bring up NCAA scandals, you should bring up UCF or Boise State, two schools whose violations most resemble Miami's in actuality. Both of whom got off easier than with what UM already self imposed. And you think it unreasonable that Miami might want no further sanctions?

I could go on and on, but, since yours is an opinion, be it one given ludicrous standing given it's context, I will let it stand as such: you come off as either baring a grudge against Miami or heartbroken that the sensationalized scandal that you in the media grew so attached to has, in reality, proven to be an empty vessel. I recommend you don't champion the NCAA in this, there is a reason that the tide of public sentiment has so turned against them. The Herald is a good newspaper. The Herald is a good newspaper. See, as you, and the NCAA, need to learn, just repeating something twice doesn't make it true.

I wanted to WEZ-out, and throw in a part about her sucking my **** until she choked out doing it, but I negated.

Well played............
I was a little less cerebral than SevenNSeven and NoahZach in my correspondence to Linda. Here's mine:

Dear Linda:

You're a dumb f#cking c#nt. Please do one thing right in your meaningless life, and hang yourself while chewing on rodent putrefaction.

Hugs and Kisses,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Franchise
***** got what her and the Herald wanted, us to read the article.
I was a little less cerebral than SevenNSeven and NoahZach in my correspondence to Linda. Here's mine:

Dear Linda:

You're a dumb f#cking c#nt. Please do one thing right in your meaningless life, and hang yourself while chewing on rodent putrefaction.

Hugs and Kisses,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Franchise

Ya know. I'm kinda jealous. Probably took a lot less time, and, perhaps, summed it up better.
Chances that Franchise and NJ have some kinfolk in the family tree?

Franchise is a trip, glad he made it over to the site.
***** got what her and the Herald wanted, us to read the article.

Perhaps. But a bunch of angry emails to her editors and Herald brass talking about how ****** her writing is probably isn't what she's after. Besides, I only visited the herald site to get the email addresses...

(Know it won't make a bit of different, don't care, that was a trash opinion piece, figure i'd just point it out to her superiors).
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 13:53:35 -0500
Subject: Re: FW: Your opinion piece on the UM-NCAA fiasco.
To: *********

Thanks for taking the time to write. I will share your note with our editors. Thanks, DL.

Mr. Landsberg,

I'm forwarding to you my response to Mr. Robinson's opinion piece in the Herald. It is my opinion that it is a terrible piece of journalism to the point of being offensive, poorly written and selective in it's accuracy. My hope is, in the future, that when taking a stance against a local team, or in this case a local university, your paper will have firmer ground to stand on.

Subject: Your opinion piece on the UM-NCAA fiasco.
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:10:28 -0600

Ms. Robinson

I am not naive enough to expect any favoritism for the local teams in this market from the local media, especially not whenever the scent of blood is in the water. However, your off-base opinion piece goes a little too far. Foremost, realize that UM has been taking a pummeling from the media for over 2 years now, a media that harped on sensationalized charges that were eventually proven to be baseless in fact at worst, or impossible to substantiate at best. In this case, the media proved to be an all-too-eager band marching at the behalf of an insane drummer, the beat set by shoddy journalism of the worst sort, meant to drive page views at the expense of substantiated truth or good investigative journalism. Sadly that did not, however, preclude the wider media, including your own institution, from harping on the dramatic charges: 'abortion!' 'strippers!', laid down by Yahoo!.

Even now, when it has become obvious that so many journalists have joined the broke individuals duped or swindled by Mr. Shapiro, no apology, no olive branch of reasonable thinking has been extended in the direction of the university. Instead, not willing to give up the faint ghost of scandal, we get opinion pieces like your own.

First, your boxing analogy is way off. Considering how Miami has gotten pummeled in the process, by the media, by the NCAA, by other schools they compete against, it plays off a lot more like the first Rocky movie, as a pummeled UM, who could of easily thrown in the towel (and honestly might've done so, if football was not such a crucial revenue generating sport), expected by all to be KO-ed, is rising off the mat to throw a few punches.

Secondly, and most insultingly, your examples of the violations and sanctions of other teams are incomplete to the point of incorrectness. Yes, I realize you have a point to make, but were the point not so weak, maybe you could point out the actual violations: USC had a insultingly small compliance department, and did openly try and shield themselves by fighting the actual NCAA investigation, they didn't co-operate fully (aka, roll over) with the NCAA during the process. The Ohio State scandal was more than skin deep, not just pertaining to tattoos, with merchandise exchanging hands, not to mentioned the athletic department cover ups. In fact, if you want to bring up NCAA scandals, you should bring up UCF or Boise State, two schools whose violations most resemble Miami's in actuality. Both of whom got off easier than with what UM already self imposed. And you think it unreasonable that Miami might want no further sanctions?

I could go on and on, but, since yours is an opinion, be it one given ludicrous standing given it's context, I will let it stand as such: you come off as either baring a grudge against Miami or heartbroken that the sensationalized scandal that you in the media grew so attached to has, in reality, proven to be an empty vessel. I recommend you don't champion the NCAA in this, there is a reason that the tide of public sentiment has so turned against them. The Herald is a good newspaper. The Herald is a good newspaper. See, as you, and the NCAA, need to learn, just repeating something twice doesn't make it true.


Huh. At least I got a reply, and he did forward it to the editors. Guess I'm glad I didn't include the part about her choking to death on ****.
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The part that ****ed me off the most was when she started talking about self-imposing punishment for running a stop sign. The fact that "professional" journalists are allowed print obvious logical fallacies shows how weak minded most people have become.
why can't you guys see exactly waht this is?

Linda makes several mistakes in her article.

The most glaring is her call for Shalala to tell everything she has on the NCAA....that is a stupid suggestion by a stupid writer.

In battle, you never let your opponent see your cards. Never expose your strengths nor weaknesses. Keep your opponent guessing, because very often they guess wrong.

Shalala knows what she's doing. Linda should STFU and keep her juvenile opinions to herself.
I was a little less cerebral than SevenNSeven and NoahZach in my correspondence to Linda. Here's mine:

Dear Linda:

You're a dumb f#cking c#nt. Please do one thing right in your meaningless life, and hang yourself while chewing on rodent putrefaction.

Hugs and Kisses,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Franchise

LOL. Well, certainly a much more direct response and a much more efficient use of your time.
why can't you guys see exactly waht this is?


Of course, it is. That's readily apparent. She's bothered that she can't see the NOA and weakly tries to apply "media pressure" to Donna Shalala, as if that's going to start some avalanche of pressure and force her to act. Even the motive behind the opinion piece is non-sensical.