Linda Robertson's "opinion" in todays herald

A more involved response to Linda due to the offensive nature of her opinion--

You can't possibly be serious.

"She should also be ready to reveal the charges against UM."

Because the media wants to see them? Why should UM encourage more media sensationalism surrounding matters when the first run at sensationalism by irresponsible Yahoo Sports proved to be so flawed and damaging.

"But her school, under her watch, has been accused of “lack of institutional control,” the Doomsday Switch of NCAA accusations. If that is unfair or unsubstantiated, then show why."

UM will do that in the proper forum. UM does not have to show that to you or prepare its opposition for the coming hearing. Pretty basic concept. Besides, it seems like you are asking for UM to release the NOA, which just contains allegations, not facts or UM's response to the allegations.

"The NCAA has been criticized as the “pot calling the kettle black” by botching its investigation of unethical behavior at UM with unethical behavior by its enforcement staff. UM can and should avoid similar criticism that it is being hypocritical in its reaction."

So because media and commentators use a pot/kettle analogy, UM now has an obligation to take action? UM isn't accusing the NCAA of anything. The NCAA admitted its own misconduct. The NCAA admits it is the pot. UM denies that it is the kettle. Clearly, you believe that it is--while complaining that you have not seen the evidence one way or the other.

"Shalala sees an opening. NCAA president Mark Emmert ordered an investigation of the investigation, and 20 percent of the evidence was discarded."

No, Emmert ordered a self-investigation (not an independent investigation) of only one aspect of the NCAA investigation. Maybe you should opine on that. Maybe you should ask the NCAA to be transparent and release all of the information generated during its "sort-of" investigation. Nah, easier to play the role of contrarian just for attention.

"Does UM deserve harsher penalties? Was banning itself from what would have been a marginal bowl game and an ACC title game it might have lost enough? Was Al Golden’s small but rapidly growing signing class enough?"

UM banned itself from two bowl games, not just one. Coach Golden has recruited under a cloud for years. You appear to be blind to the true impact of this matter.

"Keep in mind that USC got docked 30 scholarships for the actions of one athlete, Reggie Bush, and one rogue agent, and bitter Trojan fans maintain former UM athletic director and infractions committee chair Paul Dee was “out to get” USC."

There was a lot more involved there, including a substantial lack of cooperation from USC that motivated harsh sanctions to deter other programs from responding the same way--and that worked, given the manner in which UM responded, based on that example.

"Shapiro was greasing palms for a decade."

And you know this how? Have you examined all of the evidence and satisfied yourself of its accuracy?

"The guy was a con man, sure, who duped gullible, greedy people out of lots of their money. But he was also a walking, talking, blinking red-arrow sign."

Seriously? So now Shapiro's victims all are gullible and greedy? I'm amazed that you have the temerity to make that naked allegation concerning people victimized by a con man. No wonder UM does not want to share information, given the proof you provide of how the media will treat it. By the way, you've reported on UM for more years than Shapiro was around the program and you never saw this walking, talking, blinking red-arrow sign, right?

"Haith allegedly paid Shapiro not to rat on recruiting entertainments by his staff."

Using an unproven allegation to make a point? And you want UM to share other allegations with you?

"Despite the obvious smell oozing from Shapiro, UM named a players’ lounge after him. Shalala accepted a giant check from him at a bowling party, he was on team planes and game sidelines."

What is this obvious smell that you notice only in hindsight? The guy spent years presenting himself in the community as a successful businessman, so much so that people invested close to a billion dollars with him. Why do you refuse to accept the fact that he duped a lot of people, many of whom are very smart and honorable? Does your bias so blind you?

"An NCAA conspiracy against UM? No, just the same lack of oversight in Indianapolis as there was in Coral Gables."

Really? So, investigators intentionally circumventing direct orders from the legal department is just a lack of oversight? Investigators reportedly (because you accept allegations) failing to conduct interviews of key witnesses that may provide exculpatory or favorable information for the target of the investigation is just a lack of oversight?

"But if she wants the public to take her word for it, she should not use her NCAA jabs as a diversionary tactic to hide damaging information."

Who said that she wants the public to take her word for it? Who says that she is hiding damaging information? The NOA just contains allegations. It does not include the facts supporting the allegations. You don't want facts. You want accusations--and those already have been proven to be harmful and, in many case, flat wrong. Why should UM further harm itself to satisfy your curiosity? Who apologizes to or vindicates Dequan Jones and his family if, in fact, there is no substantial evidence to back up the accusation printed in the Yahoo Sports story? Have you done so or suggested that someone do so? What about Yahoo Sports?

"Shalala is the worthy foe the NCAA needs as it attempts reforms, again. She’s going to fight, but she ought to fight fair."

Because the NCAA has fought fair so far? Let me know how those interviews went with Paul Dee and the others that UM asked the NCAA to interview. Remind me again of the fairness in the NCAA conducting a self-investigation of only part of its admittedly unethical and botched investigation. Are you demanding that the NCAA open all of its information to the public?

For this fine example of sports writing tending towards yellow journalism Ms Robertson should be welcomed to the U and treated as the pariah that she aspires to be. It's all mostly crap, but to me these two lines stand out:

"During halftime of UM’s 54-50 win over Virginia on Tuesday, Shalala left her seat in the stands and went outside the arena to compose her rebuttal to the NCAA’s Notice of Allegations delivered earlier in the day."

How could the writer possibly know that? Did DS tell her, did she follow her and use spy glasses, was she in the room?

"If that is unfair or unsubstantiated, then show why." Is the writer unaware that in our system of justice the burden of proof is on the accuser? Or, does she believe that member colleges are vassals to the NCAA and therefore without recourse to any abuses of its authority?

Is there responsible adult supervision at the Herald?
Anyone who works in the communications field should understand that statements like the one Donna released on behalf of the University that night are not crafted during the halftime of a basketball game. What a dolt.

Yes, they are. Yes, they are.

See? I just proved it.
She's the one who also wrote that fluff piece on Scott Templeton er, I mean, Charles Robinson, basically saying he deserved a pulitzer for his heroic efforts.
Ohio ST go whacked? They had a one bowl ban, we've had taken 2, twice the punishment. Who cares if it was a minor bowl, in the first one, the ACC championship game could have led to the OB. Losing even a minor bowl means missed practice time and rewards for your players and programs. And then we hear from people who will cry about the end of the bowl tradition, and then mock missing a bowl by calling it 'minor'.

And who cares if the NCAA doesn't get to announce the banning of going to a bowl game first? It's still a lost bowl game. If they hadn't taken so long in the investigation this wouldn't have happened.

As an alumni of The University of Miami, I don't expect our local papers to shine us in favorable light. In fact, as a journalist myself, I applaud publications that stick to the facts and aren't bias. However, as a " journalist " you've shown a bias against the University of Miami multiple times in the past. Your most recent article again shows your inability to separate your distaste for UM from the truth.

A few sentences stand out to me:

"During halftime of UM’s 54-50 win over Virginia on Tuesday, Shalala left her seat in the stands and went outside the arena to compose her rebuttal to the NCAA’s Notice of Allegations delivered earlier in the day."

How is is that you came across this information? Unless you are directly connected to Donna Shalala and she told you specifically that she was leaving to compose her rebuttal, this sounds like opinion rather than fact. People that work in communications know this was a carefully crafted rebuttal, not something that could be composed in under 20 minutes.

"Keep in mind that USC got docked 30 scholarships for the actions of one athlete, Reggie Bush, and one rogue agent, and bitter Trojan fans maintain former UM athletic director and infractions committee chair Paul Dee was “out to get” USC."

You're statements about USC omit out many facts, and are clearly phrased in such a way to mislead the reader. Unlike UM, USC actively tried to derail the NCAA's investigation. While UM was praised multiple times for their cooperation, USC did everything in their power to shield the NCAA from the truth. The situations are not similar at all.

There are many other instances/articles I can point to that clearly show your distaste for UM( You're article asking to change the Hurricane's name after Hurricane Andrew), however it's not necessary. I would suggest that for your credibility, you attempt to hide your bias against UM, but you and I both know that won't happen.

Unfortunately your credibility as a journalist is similar to Maria Elena Perez's as a Lawyer, non-existant.

Respectfully Yours,

Alex Butler

I definitely took the communications tid bit from JimmyJohnsonsHair, thanks! :-)
If you guys dislike her current editorial slant, it is mild by comparison to the crap she spewed during the 1995 NCAA investigation, followed shortly thereafter by Jammi German's limo-gate (ridiculous). She was joining SI in calling for Miami to suspend its football program. My dad who is in his 80s now still fumes whenever he picks up the herald sports section and sees an opinion piece by that "hija de ****".
What a frigon bimbo! Fight fair, it's a frigon fight, fight to win! Fight fair like the NCAA? How do Idiots like her get paid for this garbage? Miami needs to clean house with all these moron writers and radio personalities.
she was always the one earlier on to get info from charles robinson then relay it in her herald column. many times she wrote what he had to say. and in fact that's how many of his later comments got out down here. Of course, UM back then COULD NOT respond. Funny how her desire to hear UM's side of things never took that into account then.

bish is a robinson acolyte and a traitor
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She's the one who also wrote that fluff piece on Scott Templeton er, I mean, Charles Robinson, basically saying he deserved a pulitzer for his heroic efforts.

Nothing to see here. Linda is just trying to force Shalala to make public the NOA.
Linda as a journalist is upset she can't get her hands on it and is using her platform to call out Shalala in attempts to force her hand to show it.

As much as I would also like to see it, I say *** the vulture media and keep the NOA private.
Seriously, why must Donna Shalala 'avoid hypocrisy' when the media and the NCAA revel in it?

****ing stupid. Terrible opinion piece, not well thought out or insightful. Just terrible.

Exactly right, Seven! Shalala did exactly what Robinson and the media have done -- she made some general allegations about the NOA, which people, including most of the media have assumed are true, without showing any proof of how she and UM reached their conclusion. To my delight, the media has soaked it up! How many articles have I read about the double corroboration point, even though no one, including UM, has shown any proof that this happened.

The HUGE difference here is credibility. Shalala and UM are not going to make a statement without the ability to back it up. Their jobs depend on credibility and accountability. Today's faux journalists don't live by the same rules.

The fact that Robinson is asking for proof from Shalala but not Charles Robinson, with respect to his claims, just clarifies what an obscured view of the world she has.
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I just can't believe that someone with access to a platform in a newspaper bluntly asks the accused for a proof of innocence. Is the Herald a North Korean newspaper?
If I have to send one line to the Herald protesting, I will use the line above.
Maybe someone with access to her Twitter tweets that line to her.
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I'm convinced that Robertson, SusanMillerD and Manny all sit in a room and go "who's turn is it today?"
I GOT AN IDEA.......stopp subscribing to this POS "magazine"....let it fold and allow it to naturally go the way of the dodo bird. one sure fire way to get rid of the cough cough..."reporters"...cough cough they have over there.
Seriously, why must Donna Shalala 'avoid hypocrisy' when the media and the NCAA revel in it?

****ing stupid. Terrible opinion piece, not well thought out or insightful. Just terrible.

Confucius say: Don't be surprised when an idiot expresses a stupid opinion.
If you guys dislike her current editorial slant, it is mild by comparison to the crap she spewed during the 1995 NCAA investigation, followed shortly thereafter by Jammi German's limo-gate (ridiculous). She was joining SI in calling for Miami to suspend its football program. My dad who is in his 80s now still fumes whenever he picks up the herald sports section and sees an opinion piece by that "hija de ****".

Have not purchased (or even read) the Herald since this (or SI).