To calculate what the initial price would have been without the 1:25 reverse stock split, so you can see the true price movement, you would multiply the actual initial price, $11.50 (taking your word for it) by 25 to give you the equivalent initial price if 25 shares hadn’t been reverse split into 1 share.
The stock has lost 99.5% of its value. If an $11.50 stock lost approximately 99.5% of its value it would be worth about a nickel. Multiple a nickel x 25 and you get today’s price, roughly. In other words, but for the reverse split, the $11.50 share would trade for about a nickel today.
The Etrade chart below is the same as the Yahoo chart above. The chart incorporates the 1:25 reverse split so you can see how the stock really did.
And no, I am not a FSU grad.