Let me get this straight:
  • a (maybe not legit) billionaire entrepreneur
  • who no one had ever heard of two years ago
  • shows up with a (maybe not real) billion dollar fortune
  • and an ex-wife he paid off
  • with money he wishes he had back, because he desperately needs the cash
  • that he used in part to trade in for a younger, prettier wife
  • and in part to raise his profile so that everyone thought he was the man about town
  • where the ex-wife uses some of his money to buy the most bizarre and fraudulent congressman in US history
  • all the while his empire gets exposed for being a clown show on twitter
  • the same twitter he used to make himself look more legit than he was
Got it.

Tell me you're from Miami, without telling me you're from Miami
Tree o fy baby

I’m surprised Corben not doing a documentary on this
I'm sure he's got something cooking in the background.... People can have whatever opinion they want about Corben but he called out Ruiz from the get go and look where we are now..... I'm thinking Billy is playing the long game and seeing how everything plays out to have enough material to work with.... Let's be real he has a ton already... LOL!!!
I'm sure he's got something cooking in the background.... People can have whatever opinion they want about Corben but he called out Ruiz from the get go and look where we are now..... I'm thinking Billy is playing the long game and seeing how everything plays out to have enough material to work with.... Let's be real he has a ton already... LOL!!!

Where are we now? Our NIL is still cooking. All the people crying about why we weren’t going to have any funds anymore. Where are they?
If it’s not about NIL, why do you keep bothering about this guy? Honestly who cares, unless you invested and if you were stupid enough to invest in a SPAC, then that’s on you.
Well it's a LIFW thread and someone brought up a point about the guy who's behind LIFW so I responded back.... I mean it's actually the place to talk about it I thought.... As far as who cares.....who knows... I would assume anyone responding in the thread cares...right?? Do you care???
Well it's a LIFW thread and someone brought up a point about the guy who's behind LIFW so I responded back.... I mean it's actually the place to talk about it I thought.... As far as who cares.....who knows... I would assume anyone responding in the thread cares...right?? Do you care???

Do I care? Not really. I just clicked on the thread because I saw it was bumped.

The only thing I ever really invested any posting on this thread was for the stadium stuff, which I knew was never going to happen.

Other than that, it’s caveat emptor when you invest. Especially in a speculative SPAC. I just don’t understand the fascination with this guy by people who really dislike him. And then we got the dumbasses patting themselves on the back, for what? A risky venture that apparently is not going to pan out? That’s the very definition of risk.
Do I care? Not really. I just clicked on the thread because I saw it was bumped.

The only thing I ever really invested any posting on this thread was for the stadium stuff, which I knew was never going to happen.

Other than that, it’s caveat emptor when you invest. Especially in a speculative SPAC. I just don’t understand the fascination with this guy by people who really dislike him. And then we got the dumbasses patting themselves on the back, for what? A risky venture that apparently is not going to pan out? That’s the very definition of risk.
Except my response was to a guy saying Corben should do a doc on Ruiz and I figured he would due to his calling out LIFW from the get go and absorbing a ton of crap from people for doing so... Rich people with ego problems.. As far as dislike, I mean I don't... As far as Corben goes, I don't know him so have 0 clue if he hates him or just saw an opportunity to ride a story....
Except my response was to a guy saying Corben should do a doc on Ruiz and I figured he would due to his calling out LIFW from the get go and absorbing a ton of crap from people for doing so... Rich people with ego problems.. As far as dislike, I mean I don't... As far as Corben goes, I don't know him so have 0 clue if he hates him or just saw an opportunity to ride a story....

Little Billy is a total *** wipe and hates Miami. Why anyone would want him to do a documentary which he’ll use as an opportunity to bash Miami, that beats me. But then a lot of people that post here hate Miami, so it doesn’t surprise me that they’re asking for it.
Little Billy is a total *** wipe and hates Miami. Why anyone would want him to do a documentary which he’ll use as an opportunity to bash Miami, that beats me. But then a lot of people that post here hate Miami, so it doesn’t surprise me that they’re asking for it.
Who said want??? I only hinted at he might..... He and Ruiz had several exchanges publicly so I could see Billy doing something like that as a FU to Ruiz....
Yes, he’s going to FSU. Much stronger prediction than the insiders’ Cam Ward to Miami tonight, no?
a nightmare on elm street horror GIF
Who said want??? I only hinted at he might..... He and Ruiz had several exchanges publicly so I could see Billy doing something like that as a FU to Ruiz....
Except it wouldn't be just an FU to Ruiz. It would be a complete hitjob on UM and the program and would be marketed as such when he's not just regurgitating "Miami- a sunny place for shady people" blah blah blah.

Not attacking you here but just be careful what you wish for. The leeches in Miami are often just as bad or worse than than anyone deemed "shady" in relation to the program most of us at least pretend to love.
Never said anything about NIL... Plus our NIL is more than just Ruiz, right???

Canes Connection is run by co-CEOs Zach Burr and Brian Goldmeier.

LifeWallet is one of a few partners of Canes Connection.

John Ruiz is the loudest voice in the NIL game but isn't Miami's biggest player.
Except it wouldn't be just an FU to Ruiz. It would be a complete hitjob on UM and the program and would be marketed as such when he's not just regurgitating "Miami- a sunny place for shady people" blah blah blah.

Not attacking you here but just be careful what you wish for. The leeches in Miami are often just as bad or worse than than anyone deemed "shady" in relation to the program most of us at least pretend to love.
I get your point and don't disagree at all.... But... He's a film maker so to speak so he could orchestrate it in any fashion he wants and even though Ruiz is a "Miami" guy it doesn't mean the piece itself would be a hitjob on Miami or the Canes in general.... Would the Canes and Miami be part of it ??? Sure how can it not be but that still doesn't mean the main focus would be on just them in a malicious manner...
Again all this is speculative of course.... In no way do I think or want it to happen but considering the exchanges they had I could see it...
If Billy decided to be vindictive and go full "I told you so" mode he could make a piece that primarily attacks Ruiz....
Also Ruiz threw himself into the public light as far as the Canes go , no one walked him into it.... If anyone did a piece on Ruiz and how things went there's no way to leave Miami and the Canes out of it and that's directly due to Ruiz's own doing....
In Ruiz's defense he never has from what we know missed a payment with any of the athletes so that's good it's just the other aspects of Ruiz's dealings that will be covered, if ever covered in the manner we're talking about...