Let down game?

Imagine the type of guy who wakes up on game day to porst this...

Has a female best friend who quietly thinks he's ***.
Lives in a poorly furnished apartment in the suburbs alone.
Has at least one ex-girlfriend over 200 lbs. who cheated on him with a co-worker.
Owns 3+ cats.
Drives a 2015 Scion, older Kia, or used Prius, but avoids driving on the highway because "it's too loud".
Refers to Starbucks as "Buckies".
Knows the names of all the "real housewives".
Has "made love" with a woman donning a Ron Jeremy branded strapon.
May I?

You sound like a *****, *****... you a *****, ya mammy a *****, your friends think you're a *****, your 3+ cats think you're a *****, your property manager knows you a *****, your hand thinks you'rea ***** cause your hand falls asleep when you flick ya bean, you drive a ***** car, you're a cuck *****... yeah, you just a *****. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Mario will not let this team not make a statement against Manny. If the media and team was talking about how good we are maybe. But most of the talk is about Duke and Manny coming back to Miami.
Imagine the type of guy who wakes up on game day to porst this...

Has a female best friend who quietly thinks he's ***.
Lives in a poorly furnished apartment in the suburbs alone.
Has at least one ex-girlfriend over 200 lbs. who cheated on him with a co-worker.
Owns 3+ cats.
Drives a 2015 Scion, older Kia, or used Prius, but avoids driving on the highway because "it's too loud".
Refers to Starbucks as "Buckies".
Knows the names of all the "real housewives".
Has "made love" with a woman donning a Ron Jeremy branded strapon.
Wears lipstick and needs a bra.
Off your meds again?
Looks like you're on yours, you flippity floppity ****bag.

We already know you flip flop more than anyone on here, you soft shouldered cumstain. We got years of receipts on here of you being a beta cuck just like this guy and you wanna talk ****.


So much unspent aggression, now we turning on each other. Good thing it’s not 2 am at the bar with no chics left…
I’m not concerned about winning, but how…also no injuries