Not the truth at all. Such prisoners of the moment. Those schools can close hard bc they have been the most successful programs recently and yeah, they drop some $EC bags and will get their share of recruits for it but we have already shown we can pull our fair share also. We already recruiting pretty strong as it is.
Just bc last year's class was built early does not mean we can't have the opposite this year and still be successful. We could have a lot of late commits. And we absolutely will close the 19 cycle strong if we have a strong season. Idk how anyone can think winning doesn't HELP recruiting. Especially for us, bc we can't play the bag game. Tbh I think those schools are worried about us if they are going after our guys so hard in April. They are worried what might happen later in the cycle. The jury is still out on us on if we can consistently win. That is exactly what they are telling the players right now most likely. We do that for a second year in a row, we will close the gap even further. We have plenty to sell recruits.
"I'm not looking for the best players, I'm looking for the right players." H. Brooks