Thoughts on Carney vs wright? Imo carney looks like the better pass rusher and fit for our system. Seems very explosive
Been on Carney. Don't understand how he's a 3 star, but regardless I want him here.
**correction, picked up his 4th star on Rivals but still a 3 star on 247
Carney will most likely go to FSU... I'll take Wright's upside over him.
Carney is the more polished pass rusher as of now, but Wright is a better all around athlete & has a much higher ceiling than Carney.
You always post good stuff @
Liberty City El; I like Wright's upside as well, however there's something about Carney that gives me that it factor, especially in coach Kool's hand. Let me ask, if FSU has a down year, and we beat them, do you think that changes his mind?
Respect bro, you do as well!
As for Carney, Idk, from what he recently has said, he seems to be a lot more on board with FSU than us...
I think he's had an axe to grind because we didn't make him a priority from the jump, he's visited them more often than us & when asked how much of role does his older brother already playing on the team factor in for him, he basically said none at all, so that pretty much sealed it for me lol.
I could be wrong, but Idk if he signs with us & if he doesn't, give me Wright all day.