Kirkland met with coaches: Fat Manny says Miami is out

I thnk golden just wanted to give all these recruit trolls a taste of their own medicine, now they're gonna make them an offer they can't refuse

I see we've come full

Even Keith is coming, dudes gonna show up in a Seminole jump suit and on a horse, he'll then proceed to shot the horse and tear off the jump suit wearing only a canes thong that covers his package with an ibis head
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Keef is going to coax an actual member of the Seminole tribe off of their reservation and give them small pox at his ceremony.
Obi-won had his one chance to emerge as an insider, and he pooped his pants. Back to tricking people into sending you their account numbers.

"We all leaving! And you Losing ALL your recruits to the BOSS."

Coley: Coach can I call a play, its in your best interest to let me.
Jimbo: We are only up 2 get out of here with that nonsense
Coley: Well then I'm out I will be taking my talents to South Beach along with the talent of all your recruits.
Lulz at anyone getting over-confident. I strongly recommend taking each and every bit of information with a grain of salt.

As someone that just started following all this **** the last 48 hours taught me a lot

FANATICAL: Matthew Thomas wants in to Miami, and convinced the staff to take Kirkland back! GO CANEZ

Huh? How does this make sense, I hate people just posting crap. Kick this fugger off

Again, the FANATICAL parts clearly shows the guy was just hoping it was this scenario if anything. I thought it was rather obvious, but I guess some things just fly over people's head. So many peeps, he even did a a follow up tweet.

Lt. Philip Nolan ‏@TheStateOfTheU
People, just to clarify, that Fanatical/ Thomas tweet was a pipe dream. That is not legit.
If you do not overreact to every little swing in recruiting, then you cannot fully enjoy it. It is important to lose sight of the bigger picture, and either get overly joyous bordering on the brink of hysteric, or fall into a deep, dark, depression, based on every slight piece of information that leaks out every day.

Otherwise, you ain't doing it right.

"We all leaving! And you Losing ALL your recruits to the BOSS."

Coley: Coach can I call a play, its in your best interest to let me.
Jimbo: We are only up 2 get out of here with that nonsense
Coley: Well then I'm out I will be taking my talents to South Beach along with the talent of all your recruits.

Thats Gran, but I see whatcha where getting at haha