Kill Trolls Dead Thread

And why do you keep giving me warnings? You are so ******* soft. You are my new least favorite person on this website. It used to be @RVACane, but he started to realize that I like to stir the pot and I like to mess with people on this site all the time
Whoa! You always disliked @Mklein13 more than me. I will see what we can do about your infractions but you need to be nice.

As promised. Apologies in advance for the handwriting...

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My goodness. The way that guy talked about rhetoric and non-bias while spitting out random nonsense left and right I was starting to think he may be Trump himself. The quick triggering and inability to branch out of party line ideas shows he’s a 19 year old kid parroting his mommy’s ideas. That was fun
But in seriousness.... all he had to do was quit, but he did edge it on. Now this 30 year old 19 year old 9 year old infant-man is permagrounded.

He's only band for a week. As @RVACane's adopted board son, and we are trying to work with the young man. It is clear he needs guidance, and throwing him out in the cold just doesn't seem like the right thing to do. Basically, it's a Maude community service project.
My goodness. The way that guy talked about rhetoric and non-bias while spitting out random nonsense left and right I was starting to think he may be Trump himself. The quick triggering and inability to branch out of party line ideas shows he’s a 19 year old kid parroting his mommy’s ideas. That was fun
He has a very limited view of the world.
But in seriousness.... all he had to do was quit, but he did edge it on. Now this 30 year old 19 year old 9 year old infant-man is permagrounded.
He doesn’t know when to stop and humble up. He’s too cool for that in his mind. He grew up in a sheltered environment like these Karen’s I hear about lol - from what I can tell - and he hasn’t learned that kindness will get him further in life than being a young condescending know it all.
He's only band for a week. As @RVACane's adopted board son, and we are trying to work with the young man. It is clear he needs guidance, and throwing him out in the cold just doesn't seem like the right thing to do. Basically, it's a Maude community service project.
He previously got kicked out of @SWFLHurricane ’s Caneinorlando Pre-trial Diversion Program.
So you think HOFmer Gil Brandt is a liar? He timed him while Jackson was in the NFL. He ran a 4.19 then. And in a interview with ESPN, Bo Jackson said nfl scouts timed him when he ran the 4.13. And can you remind me what Froggy's name is? I gotta look a his time again. If I can remember correctly, he was a 4.42
It's not about one person or another being a liar. You have to understand what you're saying. #1 what can't be disputed because it's 100% proven fact, is that the NFL DID NOT use lasers for times until much later in the history of the combine. What Bo and everyone else did back than was get hand timed (a stop watch) because of hand times there was very big discrepancies in reality. What one scout clocked would be off from one scout to the next & more often than not the scouts who represented teams with great interest would have better times than the ones who didn't have interest. It still goes on to this day at pro days where hand times are still used opposed to combines where lasers are employed. Bo who I know we'll would tell you on his best days he ran a late 4.2 and more often than not a late 4.3 . He was a freak of nature and without question the best athlete I've personally ever seen. Not taking anything from Bo. Only 2 athletes like that I've ever seen was Herschel & Allen Bailey & Bo has both of them hands down. If you look throughout the history of pro days though you'll see plenty of dudes who ran hand timed numbers like that. A.c ran that at his pro day here when he was coming out. Also as was pointed out there's a big difference running on a track opposed to a field and cleats or track shoes. But regardless nothing to argue about. I'm not here to argue your beliefs. Me personally knowing both Id have to say in a Sprint on a field I'll take froggy... But hey that's just me. I've seen froggy make more money off track bets at green tree than most people would make throughout an entire career & he'd line em up back to back... That's my bias possibly but it's what I'm goin with.
It's not about one person or another being a liar. You have to understand what you're saying. #1 what can't be disputed because it's 100% proven fact, is that the NFL DID NOT use lasers for times until much later in the history of the combine. What Bo and everyone else did back than was get hand timed (a stop watch) because of hand times there was very big discrepancies in reality. What one scout clocked would be off from one scout to the next & more often than not the scouts who represented teams with great interest would have better times than the ones who didn't have interest. It still goes on to this day at pro days where hand times are still used opposed to combines where lasers are employed. Bo who I know we'll would tell you on his best days he ran a late 4.2 and more often than not a late 4.3 . He was a freak of nature and without question the best athlete I've personally ever seen. Not taking anything from Bo. Only 2 athletes like that I've ever seen was Herschel & Allen Bailey & Bo has both of them hands down. If you look throughout the history of pro days though you'll see plenty of dudes who ran hand timed numbers like that. A.c ran that at his pro day here when he was coming out. Also as was pointed out there's a big difference running on a track opposed to a field and cleats or track shoes. But regardless nothing to argue about. I'm not here to argue your beliefs. Me personally knowing both Id have to say in a Sprint on a field I'll take froggy... But hey that's just me. I've seen froggy make more money off track bets at green tree than most people would make throughout an entire career & he'd line em up back to back... That's my bias possibly but it's what I'm goin with.