Kill Trolls Dead Thread

JD... we rarely disagree. This is likely one of those.
I can never be proven wrong about it, so there's that. But I know plenty of the type of people you've had to get along with,career military, health care management, and the like, and I can see it. I mean, I'm not talking about sharing a plate of spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style, but friendly.

Again, this is more evidence of how unintelligent and delusional YOU are.

The name that was used...was SOMEONE ELSE'S name. Not mine. I can't acknowledge a name that is not mine. I actually warned the individuals involved NOT to use names BECAUSE OF doxxing trolls like you. The person who posted that name went back and edited his post to remove the name BECAUSE OF doxxing trolls like you.

And stop lying about "people" that "saw" and "used" the name. YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE.

Are you really deluding yourself into thinking that you are so intelligent that my honest explanation is some kind of reverse psychology thing? Feel free to ask @RVACane if the name that was used (that begins with the letter J) is my name. It is not.
It’s not your name.
I can never be proven wrong about it, so there's that. But I know plenty of the type of people you've had to get along with,career military, health care management, and the like, and I can see it. I mean, I'm not talking about sharing a plate of spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style, but friendly.
I don’t get how they don’t get along.
I can never be proven wrong about it, so there's that. But I know plenty of the type of people you've had to get along with,career military, health care management, and the like, and I can see it. I mean, I'm not talking about sharing a plate of spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style, but friendly.

I have numerous friends and fraternity brothers from UM who were ROTC and/or career military. I have tremendous love and respect for them to this day.
I can never be proven wrong about it, so there's that. But I know plenty of the type of people you've had to get along with,career military, health care management, and the like, and I can see it. I mean, I'm not talking about sharing a plate of spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style, but friendly.
I've consistently handled his type in two ways: 1) drive them from an organization as the poor performers they are, 2) grind them into dust due to their condescending (and often 99.99%) incorrect assertions/interactions with their co-workers. His type is incredibly corrosive as they are as they predictable and delusional in accomplishment.

It was kinda a hobby.

Option 3 of course, was their behaviors were corrected (it happens) and life went on.
Again, this is more evidence of how unintelligent and delusional YOU are.

The name that was used...was SOMEONE ELSE'S name. Not mine. I can't acknowledge a name that is not mine. I actually warned the individuals involved NOT to use names BECAUSE OF doxxing trolls like you. The person who posted that name went back and edited his post to remove the name BECAUSE OF doxxing trolls like you.

And stop lying about "people" that "saw" and "used" the name. YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE.

Are you really deluding yourself into thinking that you are so intelligent that my honest explanation is some kind of reverse psychology thing? Feel free to ask @RVACane if the name that was used (that begins with the letter J) is my name. It is not.
If so, then why so angry?

Also, if it is just a name, and of course not yours, then why tap dance around it?

Some folks doth protest far too much....
If so, then why so angry?

There's no anger. Just adherence to a consistent principle.

I think doxxing is wrong in all contexts, I support anyone's right to privacy, and I think it is craven and cowardly for anyone to resort to doxxing, particularly when the "justification" is that the doxxer was consistently out-argued on a sports message board.

I know that it bothers you that I stand up for myself in the face of your efforts to "drive me from this organization" or "grind me into dust", but you don't get to win every one of your battles just because you want to.

You are not a high-quality human being. I know that is difficult for you to handle and accept, but it is true.
I've consistently handled his type in two ways: 1) drive them from an organization as the poor performers they are, 2) grind them into dust due to their condescending (and often 99.99%) incorrect assertions/interactions with their co-workers. His type is incredibly corrosive as they are as they predictable and delusional in accomplishment.

It was kinda a hobby.

Option 3 of course, was their behaviors were corrected (it happens) and life went on.
I vote for option 3, Behavior Modification Therapy.
There's no anger. Just adherence to a consistent principle.

I think doxxing is wrong in all contexts, I support anyone's right to privacy, and I think it is craven and cowardly for anyone to resort to doxxing, particularly when the "justification" is that the doxxer was consistently out-argued on a sports message board.

I know that it bothers you that I stand up for myself in the face of your efforts to "drive me from this organization" or "grind me into dust", but you don't get to win every one of your battles just because you want to.
You are being incredibly inconsistent. Your flailing at the wrong straw man.

Your quarrel is with that OP. Who, as memory serves, also stated his own name*

Oh My God Reaction GIF by reactionseditor
You are being incredibly inconsistent. Your flailing at the wrong straw man.

Your quarrel is with that OP. Who, as memory serves, also stated his own name*


I have no quarrels with the OP. I warned him that doxxing trolls such as yourself would misuse people's first names, and he edited his post accordingly.

You have already proven that you misunderstood the context of the exchange by falsely claiming that he used MY name and that I ACKNOWLEDGED a name that is not my own. And I cannot control whether a poster chooses to use his own name. Several do, including @Andrew. Doesn't give you a license to doxx @Andrew.

You are trying to blame the innocent mistake of another poster for the malicious way in which you tried to use that errant name to doxx me, which is even a separate issue from the horrible way in which you tried to use personal information to attack another poster for his military service.

You are not a good person. I think somewhere inside of you, you know that, but you will never admit it.
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Ok reel it back in to acceptance of differences. We need to get this to a reasonable resolution. This beef is not necessary and can be easily put to rest if we can move on from accusations and insults.
I have no quarrels with the OP. I warred him that doxxing trolls such as yourself would misuse people's first names, and he edited his post accordingly.

You have already proven that you misunderstood the context of the exchange by falsely claiming that he used MY name and that I ACKNOWLEDGED a name that is not my own.

You are trying to blame the innocent mistake of another poster for the malicious way in which you tried to use that errant name to doxx me, which is even a separate issue from the horrible way in which you tried to use personal information to attack another poster for his military service.

You are not a good person. I think somewhere inside of you, you know that, but you will never admit it.
👆The revisionist history is strong with this one

People know, people saw. Keep living in make believe land.
👆The revisionist history is strong with this one

People know, people saw. Keep living in make believe land.

What did people "see"? What did people "know"? A name that is not my name?

You have issues. You chose to violate privacy and make things personal when nobody had done that to you, and all because you were regularly being out-argued on a message board.

And I see that you are not even defending your personal attacks on another poster over his military service. Maybe there is hope for you yet, Chrissy Teigen.