Kill Trolls Dead Thread

Ok, Empirical is not a donut* and TOC is a lawyer**.

*Ich bin ein Berliner


It's beyond obvious that the biggest trolls on the board (DuckDonut Cane, Goober, Krazy, Jagr) are also the biggest "run-to-the-Maude" pvssies, whenever anyone tries to stand up to them without involving a Maude's intervention.
You mean as you did when you got ghosted on the other thread?


and folks were told to stop being "mean" to you. Like that?
What’s the source of friction? Did it start with P rhymes with analytical differences or just interpersonal dealings in general?

I know he didn't like when I criticized Duck Donuts, and he certainly can't handle another alpha male who is funnier than he is, has just as much (if not more) knowledge of p-analytics, and is capable of posting, you know, about actual UM sports.

I can move past those shortcomings in him, but I don't forgive his desperate attempt to doxx me, or his even more pathetic attempt to act like it was just some harmless prank.
What's actually funny is the @Empirical Cane and @TheOriginalCane would have gotten along fantastically if the had ever met anywhere other than here.

What's funny about THAT is that I would have no problems with him, as I am perfectly capable of interacting with people of all viewpoints (including one of my brothers, who is just about as diametrically opposed to me on p-analytics).

But he is completely incapable of dealing with someone who is often more prepared than he is on factual issues, who does not laugh at his unfunny jokes, and will not roll over when he bullies people.
I know he didn't like when I criticized Duck Donuts, and he certainly can't handle another alpha male who is funnier than he is, has just as much (if not more) knowledge of p-analytics, and is capable of posting, you know, about actual UM sports.

I can move past those shortcomings in him, but I don't forgive his desperate attempt to doxx me, or his even more pathetic attempt to act like it was just some harmless prank.
If you just keep repeating it, it will come true.

Click those ruby red slippers chins.
What's funny about THAT is that I would have no problems with him, as I am perfectly capable of interacting with people of all viewpoints (including one of my brothers, who is just about as diametrically opposed to me on p-analytics).

But he is completely incapable of dealing with someone who is often more prepared than he is on factual issues, who does not laugh at his unfunny jokes, and will not roll over when he bullies people.
You must have good insurance to cover all your therapy sessions.
If you just keep repeating it, it will come true.

Click those ruby red slippers chins.

Like your heroes, you are going to deny reality and hope that everyone gets tired of the battle.

It was reported and documented. If the owners of the site do not want to permaban you, that is their choice and prerogative.
Like your heroes, you are going to deny reality and hope that everyone gets tired of the battle.

It was reported and documented. If the owners of the site do not want to permaban you, that is their choice and prerogative.
What was reported and documented?

That your friend (or whoever) called you by a name. You acknowledged it. And then it was there for all to see? People just saw and used the name you admitted to and asked that other dude ot to use.

Then those posts got deleted.

Keep going in circles chins.
What was reported and documented?

That your friend (or whoever) called you by a name. You acknowledged it. And then it was there for all to see? People just saw and used the name you admitted to and asked that other dude ot to use.

Then those posts got deleted.

Keep going in circles chins.

Again, this is more evidence of how unintelligent and delusional YOU are.

The name that was used...was SOMEONE ELSE'S name. Not mine. I can't acknowledge a name that is not mine. I actually warned the individuals involved NOT to use names BECAUSE OF doxxing trolls like you. The person who posted that name went back and edited his post to remove the name BECAUSE OF doxxing trolls like you.

And stop lying about "people" that "saw" and "used" the name. YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE.

Are you really deluding yourself into thinking that you are so intelligent that my honest explanation is some kind of reverse psychology thing? Feel free to ask @RVACane if the name that was used (that begins with the letter J) is my name. It is not.