Kevin smith salty ?!?!

I'd feel the same way, but it would be wildly hypocritical from Kiffin though. I'd bet Kiffin probably thinks it's funny. Social media trolling former co-workers is just his game, lol.
Yea, I still think Kiffin is bitter he wasn’t even considered by Miami for the HC gig so he’s probably loving this.
Smith has a DUI record, Kiffin loves to party. They’re a perfect match.
First off I probably shouldn’t have messaged at 4:15… but I don’t take it back. Mario has been an on field train wreck for two years. Anyone who disagrees is disingenuous… For fckkkkk sake his clock management and micro management cost us GT, Nc State, Rutgers 🤮🤮🤮. When did our fans standards sink this low. Yes Mario works hard, harder than almost anyone I know, but results matter, so far they’ve been dog shtt tacos. We’re set up for success this year, with boosters and benefactors demanding results, myself included. The time is now! Let’s stop sucking him off about what he did elsewhere and worrying about his execution for this program.

Second off, you probably shouldn't double-down on bull****.

In no way am I ignoring or excusing the last two years. But I can also contextualize the first 2 years of a rebuild after taking over for Manny Garcia.

And the mention of his time at FIU and Oregon is to point out that Mario has had more good years than bad years.

Is the job done? No. But to act like the past 2 years are indicative of his entire career is just ridiculous.

Was just checking who hired such a lazy, salty, good for nothing, individual....

The same guy who diagnosed the laziness within one year and didn't allow him to remain on staff like a cancer.

Maybe you've never made a bad hire in your career because you've never been entrusted with hiring anyone.
The same guy who diagnosed the laziness within one year and didn't allow him to remain on staff like a cancer.

Maybe you've never made a bad hire in your career because you've never been entrusted with hiring anyone.
Mario the Oncologist…

as you praise the arsonist for putting out the fire…
I'll tell you what, if I was his current boss (Kiffin) I'd be pretty upset he's going on social media and airing grievances about his old boss. It's immature and unprofessional and shows a lack of focus.
Lol it’s Kiffin so your expectations are way too high.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he retweeted it.
Smith taking shots at Mario .... What a loser, not focused, boss should be mad... Mario Da Gawd

Mario taking shots at TVD ... **** yea, alpha ... .Mario Da Gawd...

Ya'll are nuts...
Mario prostrated himself over TVD when he was hired and said he was the starter before spring camp. TVD then extorted Mario for more money by threatening to go to Bama….

He did everything for TVD to succeed and he still **** the bed. I’m ok with Mario speaking the truth about how leadership in the QB room matters.
If Mario ****canned him I would understand but like 99.99% of Mario’s hires he Always let’s them land elsewhere instead of firing them (besides dirtbag Gattis). Really doesn’t make sense for Smith to do this given that.
Exactly. And this was just a random shot at Mario.
The CIS cult is a vicious beast. Logan and Denis were necessities and every coach that leaves is a lazy loser. You guys are doing great.
The CIS cult is a vicious beast. Logan and Denis were necessities and every coach that leaves is a lazy loser. You guys are doing great.
Flip it on its head and it's the same result.

Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Mario has a team on paper that should be playoff bound. I can't find 12 rosters better on paper. We're part of the 12 right now.

Barring injuries or a comet strike if that doesn't happen this year Mario ain't the guy. 10 wins or more with this schedule and team or gtfoh.
Flip it on its head and it's the same result.

Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Mario has a team on paper that should be playoff bound. I can't find 12 rosters better on paper. We're part of the 12 right now.

Barring injuries or a comet strike if that doesn't happen this year Mario ain't the guy. 10 wins or more with this schedule and team or gtfoh.
This.....I don't want to hear ANY excuses if 10 Wins isn't attainable, aside from a Catastrophic injury bug/s....