Love the jnfo from Brooklyn but but you white knights are driving me crazy. Man doesn't need the defenders. And he should own up that his post said he got his grade - singular - as in suggesting it's the grade from the advisory committee. No big deal and quickly cleared up. He got back some evaluations from a few sources and the consensus put him in the late fifth as a grade. Coupled with the advisory committee not grading him in the first two rounds, it should help persuade him to stay.
Why does "5th round grade" automatically mean it came from the NFL advisory committee? You guys read that into Dee's post. I didn't make that assumption because I know that Dee knows the NFL advisory committee only gives out 1st or 2nd round grades.
People love their gotcha moments on here. So they saw a chance to cite the fact that the NFL only gives 1st and 2nd round grades and rub Dee's face in it instead of just asking for a clarification on what he meant by "grade." The way he phrased it could just as easily be read the way he meant it.