Just out of curiosity

Peter Ariz

All American
Jun 12, 2012
How many of you guys would have been opposed to hiring Cristobal instead of Golden? Very similar resumes with Golden getting the nod on experience.

It's only a matter of time before Cristobal takes one of these big offers.
I didn't feel like Cristobol was ready for UM and it seemed we needed to hire outside the family with this hire after the debacle Corch Shannon turned into.
shouldve went with Leach... Leach will end up winning the Pac 12 while we're still trying to compete in the lame *** acc...
I think mario would have been great & i think he will be coaching tennessee in 2013 cuz dooley is toast. But im happy with golden but yeah randy ruined it for cane alums.
I like Cristobal but he wasn't ready.
As for Leach, it could have ended up being a brilliant hire or a disaster with the possibility of putting the the final nail in this programs coffin.
I don't think that's a risk anyone was willing to take.
Golden was the perfect hire for this program.
I can't lie, I was very intrigued with the Leach possibility. I tell you what, with him as HC, there's no way premier SF athletes/skill position guys wouldn't have been dying to come here. I still believe part of the reason we've lost out on so many talented athletes is because of the stale, unimaginative offense we've had in place the last few years. If you were a HS kid, which offense would be more appealing, ours or say Clemson's? Or Oregon's? ****, even Stanford's was more exciting, with all the different ways they use the TE.

We have to start evolving with today's game. Full blown spread? No. But its time to incorporate some new/different elements.
I can't lie, I was very intrigued with the Leach possibility. I tell you what, with him as HC, there's no way premier SF athletes/skill position guys wouldn't have been dying to come here. I still believe part of the reason we've lost out on so many talented athletes is because of the stale, unimaginative offense we've had in place the last few years. If you were a HS kid, which offense would be more appealing, ours or say Clemson's? Or Oregon's? ****, even Stanford's was more exciting, with all the different ways they use the TE.

We have to start evolving with today's game. Full blown spread? No. But its time to incorporate some new/different elements.

I was on the Leach bandwagon originally as well, but no chance he would've handled the NCAA investigation as well as Golden has. Golden has turned about to be just about the perfect hire for this program, and there is no reason not to believe that he will get us through whatever sanctions come down. Don't think Leach or even Gruden could have come in and handled this thing as well as Golden has so far.
I didn't like the thought of Cirstobal as UM HC. Like the guy, glad he's doing well, but wanted someone more experienced based on our last two hires. But i do hope Mario does well
Mario is Golden lite, I think he has potential and I'll be interested to see where he ends up.
Golden is the epitome of what Miami needed.
Mario needs a little more experience before he's considered a top HC prospect.

He would have been a Plan B for UM.

The fact that other top programs aren't on him says as much.
I was fully on board the Gruden train...

That said back then I didnt know the type of coach golden is so I wasn't inspired by the hire at all. Cristobal was intriguing but I don't thing it would've worked. In the end, I think they made the right choice, or at least a good bet.
I would have been fine with Mario. He's ready if he's ever going to be ready. That said I couldn't be happier with Golden, and IMHO he's a better hire. It's early, but he strikes me as the type that's here for the long haul, and he seems to have the leadership and organizational abilities to take us back to the top. And finally I THINK we have a guy who might stay here when he does.
Cristobal is definitely a legitimate coach. But Golden is who we needed. Brady Hoke is cut from a similar cloth, but I think that Golden is better-equipped to deal with what Miami has to offer- both good and bad.