July 2023 Recruiting BBQ Thread

I took my 4 year old son to show him the UM campus where I went to college today and we actually ran into a bunch of recruits at the BBQ by the school pool and I got to talk to OL coach Mirabal and my son threw up The U to him! It was a great surprise. Told him how excited/grateful we are to have him and the new staff and to please bring The U back to the greatness of the 80ā€™s to early 2000ā€™s!
Interesting note on T. Couch. Have had more than a few discussions and disagreements on here about him over the last year. I continue to hold out hope weā€™ll get some quality out of those quick feet.
Freshman Couch is more his reality than Soph Couch. I think he takes a nice step forward in his development this year


The grill at FSU BBQ!
When they were in the pool I overheard one of them say to the other - "I ain't gonna lie bruh, this the most fun I ever had on a visit."

So I butt in and say "Yall having fun? Yall like it here?"

"Yeah coach, this is where I wanna go!"
Other kid - "Coach, the other schools are nicer on the inside, but that's it. They don't be like this on the outside. It ain't this vibe."
"UF was aight, it was cool, but it wasn't this."

(something along those lines)

The event started with Mario giving a speech and showing renderings of the new facilities. Some really impressive stuff. State of the art, top of the line. And it will be ready sooner than you think.

First off, appreciate you coming through and giving us a review of the day, your write up was 10/10!!!! I felt like I was missing out all day and your post had me feeling like I was there šŸ˜‚

Second, shout out to Mario for already having a plan to upgrade facilities.
SIAP, but was Jordan Hall confirmed?
shodell's write up on him:

Cane coaches are making an impression on Hall, who is going through the process before making a decision.

Hall says of DL coach Joe Salaveā€™a that ā€œThatā€™s my guy,ā€ adding of Mario Cristobal that ā€œhe is one of those head coaches that everybody needs in college football, cares about the grind.

ā€œI really like the coaching staff, like everyone here. Itā€™s a great environment.ā€

The bottom line thought?

ā€œI love it here,ā€ Hall said. ā€œMiami, Florida. ā€¦ I just like it a lot here.