Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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for cause?

Right. They were just keeping Manny around the entire time Mario was deliberating because they thought it would be funny.
Just like they kept Ponce around? handing offers till the last minute when he was gone long ago? Tell me you know don't know how the coaching world works without saying you dont know how the coaching world works.
At this point it’s more than a narrative. I said last year Mario needed to change the narrative because he was getting negative recruited about his offenses. Well here we are. I think it’s fair to be concerned with his philosophy with offense.
I'm slowly reaching the point where I'm beginning to think that he will never succeed here. This is just like Golden and his defense with a much better recruiter and a substantially bigger budget. This of course is dependent on who his next hire is at OC but I'm pretty sure that Kliff Kingsbury or anyone like him is not going to be walking through that door. The advantage of age is experience and I've seen this movie too many times. I know how this ends.
I'm slowly reaching the point where I'm beginning to think that he will never succeed here. This is just like Golden and his defense with a much better recruiter and a substantially bigger budget. This of course is dependent on who his next hire is at OC but I'm pretty sure that Kliff Kingsbury or anyone like him is not going to be walking through that door. The advantage of age is experience and I've seen this movie too many times. I know how this ends.
After one season? Gotta be a world record
I'm slowly reaching the point where I'm beginning to think that he will never succeed here. This is just like Golden and his defense with a much better recruiter and a substantially bigger budget. This of course is dependent on who his next hire is at OC but I'm pretty sure that Kliff Kingsbury or anyone like him is not going to be walking through that door. The advantage of age is experience and I've seen this movie too many times. I know how this ends.
All the good coach’s adapt and evolve, the others become stale and outdated and get fired. Guess we will see how Mario handles it.
No way in **** Mario is here longer than 2024 if results don’t drastically improve. I know what is invested and what is owed. But I won’t believe it.

The pressure from the fanbase would be too much to overcome. Also have to take into account that Radakovich did not hire Mario, he was hand picked to bring a championship to Gables. I believe he will make it happen, with or without Rio.

That’s a bold call…. If he stumbles again in 2023, the 2024 schedule has people nervous… a bad 2024 would mean Mario is an epic failure…
if this was known before he was hired, then no chance this could be the cause. if it came out afterwards, then retaining him for a year and not saying anything could also constitute waiver and not a reason to fire him today so it has to be something else if we are pursing a for-cause termination (which has been confirmed).
I’ve thought that if he did something at Michigan,?lied about it in his interview and then they found out it was true, that could be cause. That said, it seems like something at Miami but who knows right now. Most of us are just guessing.
Gattis is a manifestation of Mario's offensive concept. Gattis sucked - Mario's hire of him sucked - and Mario's ideal offensive concept likely sucks.

Mario has a terrible concept of an offense - IF - one looks to his record.

To get beat by Utah - TWICE - and then the hiring an inept OC - who provided a puked out offense at UM -

I'm concerned - Mario may recruit better than anyone - but he'll even have less success doing that if he keeps his mindset on whatever aberration he's concocted as his "offense."

If you can't move the ball- due to dumbazz execution - you won't get top offensive recruits. Kids love to play exciting football - to show off their skills and determination.

Three runs, and a fourth quarter passing flurry trying to catch up - that's no fun.
Right. They were just keeping Manny around the entire time Mario was deliberating because they thought it would be funny.
Cmon Jimmy. You really aren’t going to die on this hill are you? I’m still catching up on this thread but if I keep scrolling I’m sure my brother @TheOriginalCane or someone else will have addressed this. I mean heck, even @Cribby just addressed this for you. Yet you still don’t believe it. It was discussed plenty of times as well last year after it was over. His goose was cooked before the end of the season and even before FSU.

It’s like the Gattis thing all over again here.
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