Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Again, what I saw from Gattis this season was an extremely Low IQ approach to game management. He did not display even a rudimentary level of competence at any aspect of his job.
When tempo was working ... HE couldn't keep up with it. He had to slow things down so HE could try to come up with something. Painful to watch.
Get Ponce further tf away than anybody. Nothing the QB coach or Passing Game Coordinator did worked for 12 weeks. I hate that mf the most.
Believe one of the issues is that Gattis didn't really USE Ponce to any degree. They reportedly had "different" ideas on what the QB's should be doing and as OC Gattis is the boss on offense. Believe the entire offense would have been more productive with Ponce running it. This was the Gattis offense ... period.
Again, what I saw from Gattis this season was an extremely Low IQ approach to game management. He did not display even a rudimentary level of competence at any aspect of his job.
dumb the simpsons GIF
Worst offensive coordinator Ive ever seen in my life. There is simply nothing positive to say about his work this season. He never demonstrated any level of competency this season. Moreover, he showed a complete lack of understanding of how to structure a drive, how to call consecutive plays that build off the previous one, etc...

What I find the most disturbing about his performance this season is how he totally misused the Quarterbacks, specifically Jake Garcia. What Gattis did to Jake Garcia this season was criminal IMO. What we saw tonight was yet another example. Garcia was QB3 all week, which meant that he likely did not get any reps with the first team offense this week. Gattis went to Brown when TVD went down then put Garcia in with the ball on the one yard line. Unreal. Then Garcia comes out looking good in the 3rd quarter, completes three straight passes, gets two first downs and Gattis proceeds to pull him and put Brown in so he could hand it off. That's incompetence.

The ONLY reason Garcia looked so good in the 4th quarter is because Brown was injured. If Brown was available, Gattis would have pulled Garcia at least two more times and inserted Brown for whatever foolish reasons that swirl around in Gattis's low IQ head. Without the fear of being pulled for completing too many consecutive passes, Garcia was free to flourish, which he did. And yes, I never denied being the Conductor of the Jake Garcia hype train this season.

Not only did he hurt Garcia's development, he likely hurt Brown's as well. We know **** well that he hurt TVD's marketability. Josh Gattis destroyed an elite QB room within four months of being hired. That's incompetence.

Every hour that Gattis remains employed by UM is an hour that Mario is failing at his job. The clock is ticking.
All this is true. A horrible OC. At no point of the season did we have even a little moment. We flatlined after Texas A&M and stayed that way throughout because no one knows what we are good at on offense.
I loved the sequence where Knighton rips off a huge run to the 4-5? and Gattis proceeds to slow the game down as usual with Jacurri checking in, giving Pitt time to regroup.

Anyone with a brain hurries up there while the defense is reeling.
He did that twice…. Later on too when Jake hit Redding deep to the 5 or so yardline the offense was humming with uptempo and he promptly decides to slow it down with check with me BS and the entire drive stalls all 4 downs till it was a turnover on downs.

Anything pass the high school level for Gattis is too much… dude is a joke of a coordinator
Worst offensive coordinator Ive ever seen in my life. There is simply nothing positive to say about his work this season. He never demonstrated any level of competency this season. Moreover, he showed a complete lack of understanding of how to structure a drive, how to call consecutive plays that build off the previous one, etc...

What I find the most disturbing about his performance this season is how he totally misused the Quarterbacks, specifically Jake Garcia. What Gattis did to Jake Garcia this season was criminal IMO. What we saw tonight was yet another example. Garcia was QB3 all week, which meant that he likely did not get any reps with the first team offense this week. Gattis went to Brown when TVD went down then put Garcia in with the ball on the one yard line. Unreal. Then Garcia comes out looking good in the 3rd quarter, completes three straight passes, gets two first downs and Gattis proceeds to pull him and put Brown in so he could hand it off. That's incompetence.

The ONLY reason Garcia looked so good in the 4th quarter is because Brown was injured. If Brown was available, Gattis would have pulled Garcia at least two more times and inserted Brown for whatever foolish reasons that swirl around in Gattis's low IQ head. Without the fear of being pulled for completing too many consecutive passes, Garcia was free to flourish, which he did. And yes, I never denied being the Conductor of the Jake Garcia hype train this season.

Not only did he hurt Garcia's development, he likely hurt Brown's as well. We know **** well that he hurt TVD's marketability. Josh Gattis destroyed an elite QB room within four months of being hired. That's incompetence.

Every hour that Gattis remains employed by UM is an hour that Mario is failing at his job. The clock is ticking.
Michigan proved your point yesterday.
Worst offensive coordinator Ive ever seen in my life. There is simply nothing positive to say about his work this season. He never demonstrated any level of competency this season. Moreover, he showed a complete lack of understanding of how to structure a drive, how to call consecutive plays that build off the previous one, etc...

What I find the most disturbing about his performance this season is how he totally misused the Quarterbacks, specifically Jake Garcia. What Gattis did to Jake Garcia this season was criminal IMO. What we saw tonight was yet another example. Garcia was QB3 all week, which meant that he likely did not get any reps with the first team offense this week. Gattis went to Brown when TVD went down then put Garcia in with the ball on the one yard line. Unreal. Then Garcia comes out looking good in the 3rd quarter, completes three straight passes, gets two first downs and Gattis proceeds to pull him and put Brown in so he could hand it off. That's incompetence.

The ONLY reason Garcia looked so good in the 4th quarter is because Brown was injured. If Brown was available, Gattis would have pulled Garcia at least two more times and inserted Brown for whatever foolish reasons that swirl around in Gattis's low IQ head. Without the fear of being pulled for completing too many consecutive passes, Garcia was free to flourish, which he did. And yes, I never denied being the Conductor of the Jake Garcia hype train this season.

Not only did he hurt Garcia's development, he likely hurt Brown's as well. We know **** well that he hurt TVD's marketability. Josh Gattis destroyed an elite QB room within four months of being hired. That's incompetence.

Every hour that Gattis remains employed by UM is an hour that Mario is failing at his job. The clock is ticking.

If Mario doesn't get rid of Gattis, he can stick "accountability " nonsense up where sun don't shine.
I agree that Gattis should go-now-tonight.

But, I also think that Mario’s hiring approach played a role. Hire the coordinators you want. Give them a budget and let them hire their assistants.
Amen, Gattis is/was a disaster but if you hire an OC let him bring his team( assistants) same as the DC role.
CMC needs to find a great OC, Garret Riley? Jeff Lebby? and hand over the keys. D is not much better as than O as not 1 position group improved over course of season. staff was bad approach was was bad........
I really hope Mario had no role in the QB rotation this season. Because it had no rhyme or reason.

Anyways, I hope UM’s lawyers are reviewing the Gattis contract as we speak.
Honestly, I thought I had seen the worst coaches in D'No and Nix.
But they look like geniuses compared to Gattis.
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There are so many different ways Mario could have handled this offseason. After his press conference, I respect his approach to not speak publicly about things going on inside the orginazation. That is a sign of a mature leader that understands work and culture dynamics. Handling your business this way limits what people from the outside want to know. Its controlled chaos and I believe and hope Mario makes the changes he knows we need as evident from his comments in the post game. As we know, many coaches get fired on that Monday following black friday. Do the right thing Mario lol.
maybe the comment by CMC things that have worked elsewhere are not working here(UM) shows that he is open to change
hire a great OC and hand him the keys , let him bring in a couple of assistants . this goes for the D as well as their misadventures
were masked by an awful offensive effort all year.....
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