Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Haha. I'm from that area originally. I've had family or friends attend every one of these schools name so far from PSU, to Slippery Rock, to Gannon.
Kurt Angle might block the hire at Clarion. Hahaha!
All the money at his disposal and we’re hiring former coaches from previous fired HCs
I am less concerned by that and more concerned by whether we learned that all-star staffs may not be on the same page and its more important to have some consistent philosophy across the coaches. I hope we have 1-2 guys that the next OC worked with to help teach and implement.
Coley had his shot at Miami and Georgia

Never say never but ****, if that caliber of schools cut you lose after 1-2 yrs, the problem is in Coley

Not saying he’s a dumb guy, but calling plays is an art not a science
There is a statue of James Coley in El Paso, Texas. The statue is of a player attempting a half back option pass in the snow. He's wearing a white and orange glove and it's snowing. The field is tenuous. The score close. The clock with few ticks left. Mike Leach is on the opposing sidelines and is dressed in bermudas, leather sandals and a Hawaiian shirt. Grabbing his ballzz, like baker mayfield. The song No Woman No Cry plays 24/7/364.

That statue is there as a reminder so that we don't forget that which should never occur again.
coley is loyal staffer (bordering on a yes man - see the dorito safety video). still , he is one of the best recruiters in the country and has worked for Mario already. firsthand I know He is a great communicator and has open ears to information/ back channels. Id welcome him back eazy$$$

i 100% believe beard is the better on the field coach though. Tough call to make unless field goes off field. Field has recruited too well for a demotion imo
All the money at his disposal and we’re hiring former coaches from previous fired HCs
Let’s not act like this is not a relationship business. This is not IT or engineering.

Coley worked for Mario already and Mario probably helped recruit beard to Umiami. It is about getting the right mix of people and personalities aiming at the same goal.

Kirby smart won a title with coach Searles lol
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It's kinda what happens when you let conversations develop organically and Maudes don't worry so much...

I kid, I kid, @RVACane knows I love him. I thought I was making a little jab ("not 2 months") and it turned in a couple of strange directions.

All is good. We've got 6 or 7 or 8 weeks of steam to blow off...
One of the closest ive come to dying was slightly different but on the HWY none the less. Driving from Chicago to Detroit at night. Was flying in a two seater to make up time and I later found out it was deer season. In a blink of an eye I saw a male deer in the right lane as I was passing it walking as it had just crossed the two lane stretch of 94. Two or so seconds earlier I would have hit him and not even seen it. Was going easily over a 100.
Think some ppl incorrectly feel like ex players love for their college trumps everything else for whatever reason lol
they may love their college in that they'll donate back, return to workouts, even coach a camp. hes on one of the top 3 staffs in the league from a system that produces HCs. he'd be dumb to leave that gig. fwiw, Hank spent time working his way up from college to the NFL.
There is a statue of James Coley in El Paso, Texas. The statue is of a player attempting a half back option pass in the snow. He's wearing a white and orange glove and it's snowing. The field is tenuous. The score close. The clock with few ticks left. Mike Leach is on the opposing sidelines and is dressed in bermudas, leather sandals and a Hawaiian shirt. Grabbing his ballzz, like baker mayfield. The song No Woman No Cry plays 24/7/364.

That statue is there as a reminder so that we don't forget that which should never occur again.

I’m not gonna respond to this post

Because it clearly was t coherently in response to mine

Coley and Ponce are separate dudes

All I’m saying is, Ponce, purely as a QB coach, was qualified for the job, which is more than I can say for Gattis.

I also know for a an absolute fact, that the level of jerk/****/deusch that is Josh Gattis, is infinitely filtered, and Frank Ponce was guilty by association. Take that for what you will
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