Jordan Addison to the portal

Regardless of transfers or NIL deals, schools are still only allowed a certain number of scholarship players and are only allowed to sign/bring in a certain amount of players yearly. Every incoming transfer is one less high school signee you can take. It’s also one less scholarship for your roster. It’s not like USC or Miami or Alabama can just buy up every single player. You’re always limited by roster size.

Quick tip though, if you want more parity in college football, reduce the maximum roster size. Instead of 85 players make it 65. The top teams will still get a majority of the top players but there’s a ton of quality guys who might not make that 65 man cut at Alabama but they’d be an impact guy at say, Pitt.
I don’t want more parity
I just want us to dominate
Any means necessary

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Im working on a better one for you. I’ve got to do more for it though. It’ll be my best Dwins gif ever.

I thought you’d like the James Bond Goldfinger one from a week ago more than you seemed to.

That can't happen. The NCAA can't limit student compensation outside of the colleges and universities it governs. It would be the easiest lawsuit to beat the NCAA if they tried.

Your analogy is mixing the NCAA with the NFL. The NFL has a collective bargaining agreement under the NFLPA which is the player's union. There is no union of college athletes. That was proposed by athletes and the NCAA kicked that idea to the curb years ago. So, they opened Pandora's box when the could have sealed it shut.

Secondly, your mixing NFL compensation with endorsements. The NFL doesn't control player endorsements other than not letting them wear advertisements as part of the uniform and not during or after games.

NIL is about endorsements even if it's not carried out in the traditional manner. Every player is allowed to determine and obtain what their worth is in the endorsement world. That's free market and the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 for Alston in the case NCAA vs Alston which opened the door for NIL.
I agree, that’s why it should play out. It is what it is.
This can never be talked about enough. He (along with others at SFE) are grifters who are always looking out for themselves in the form of handouts from bama, uga, osu, etc. he’s the new street agent/genron disguised as a corch.
hes not new though hes been around for awhile...

he was theguy i mentioned in the "my nephew" story i posted maybe a month ago lol