Jordan Addison to the portal

Its not bad for college football. Man like to chat. Every team thats losing players have the ability to also bring in players. People hate change and things that take them out of their comfort zone. Thats why the same few teams are the only one with any chance, even against teams that make the playoffs, some had no chance like Cincinnati and Washington
It will be a story of the haves and have nots. How could this be good for college football? If we did not have the Ruiz family and others, if we still had Manny Diaz, Miami fans will feel totally different about this.

He’s the “General manager” for SFE 7v7 team, he’s nothing more than a glorified hanger-on.

He’s only relevant because he has access to a lot of high profile Broward/Dade/Pb kids because SF Exxpress is one of the premier 7v7 teams in South FL, but otherwise he’s just some goofball handler that is always looking for a handout.
We also know that he is Saban's BITTCH. His Sugar Daddy.
Not a Cowherd fan but blind squirrels and broken clocks...

lol he talks up Miami all the time. I really don’t understand what more do people want from these national guys.

Do you know 99% of the teams are rarely even mentioned?

Same ones that talk about Herbstreit (prior to last season) not necessarily looking at us favorably.
Congressional action - but even then I’m not certain it passes court muster. Lawyers on the site can answer. I’m thinking though that if I’m theory a maximum wage is legal, then at a federal level a law could be passed limiting student athlete NIL earnings to (x) dollars.
Fully expect a monetary cap coming. Maybe similar to nfl. With first yr players capped, then incentivize additional yrs. But anytime y’all regulate paying players there always some cuksuckers(Bama, UGA,Texas/A&M) gonna *** with it. And *** it up for everyone. This might be best left alone to work it self out, without the guvment/ ncaa fumble ***ing around with it. Just sayin’
It's not unregulated now due to lack of desire TO regulate it or because of a slow moving NCAA. We exist and will stay in some iteration of this world because the NCAA refused to adapt at ALL and they ended up getting raped in da butt legally and legislatively as a result.

There's no putting this genie back in the bottle as Emmert & Co were too comfortable with the status quo (letting the SEC cheat and occasionally try to f*ck a Miami or USC) and too shortsighted to try to gain ANY legal cover by allowing at least some player control over their NIL. So the courts and state legislatures said "F you" and opened EVERYTHING up.
The only way NIL is going to be highly regulated is thru the United States Congress and there's no appetite for that.

The Supreme Court's ruling related to NIL in college sports took all the power away. Athletes are athletes. . Regardless of whether they are professional or amateur, NIL is the same.

Besides keeping the colleges and universities from being involved in NILs which already exists, the NCAA could and will likely limit or remove the so called "collectives" because they exist only to create "pay for play."
Fully expect a monetary cap coming. Maybe similar to nfl. With first yr players capped, then incentivize additional yrs. But anytime y’all regulate paying players there always some cuksuckers(Bama, UGA,Texas/A&M) gonna *** with it. And *** it up for everyone. This might be best left alone to work it self out, without the guvment/ ncaa fumble ***ing around with it. Just sayin’
That can't happen. The NCAA can't limit student compensation outside of the colleges and universities it governs. It would be the easiest lawsuit to beat the NCAA if they tried.

Your analogy is mixing the NCAA with the NFL. The NFL has a collective bargaining agreement under the NFLPA which is the player's union. There is no union of college athletes. That was proposed by athletes and the NCAA kicked that idea to the curb years ago. So, they opened Pandora's box when they could have sealed it shut.

Secondly, your mixing NFL compensation with endorsements. The NFL doesn't control player endorsements other than not letting them wear advertisements as part of the uniform and not during or after games.

NIL is about endorsements even if it's not carried out in the traditional manner. Every player is allowed to determine and obtain what their worth is in the endorsement world. That's free market and the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 for Alston in the case NCAA vs Alston which opened the door for NIL.
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Ruiz should infiltrate the South Florida 7 on 7 world next. Throw around a couple of bucks and see who stays loyal to these leeches and shills that are just in it for themselves.
What are the restrictions as far as a school being involved with a 7 on 7 team. Having someone like Ruiz who is actively giving so much money to the program might be an issue.
Just got off of work... Too lazy to read previous pages. Anything to be excited about?
It will be a story of the haves and have nots. How could this be good for college football? If we did not have the Ruiz family and others, if we still had Manny Diaz, Miami fans will feel totally different about this.
No i wouldn't feel different about it. U man are talking about haves and have nots. When has it not been that. The SEC consolidating expansion, what u think that is creating. There are more teams with money who can become relevant than ever could under the previous system. People talk about Bama getting good players, they also lost good players. In what other system would a player like Mims, look at the current UGA and current FSU and even consider them?
I gotta be real here, but man this would suck if you're a Pitt coach or fan. They literally haven't done a thing wrong and the guy will be the top receiver taken when he comes out. He doesn't need to go anywhere to get playing time, exposure, or anything, it's just money. Sure, Riley and company will use him well while Pitt is replacing their QB. Still, everyone knows what kind of baller he is.

Luckily we're in the buy the best team you can top 25, but it's not pretty. I'll see how it all plays out, but I've always been against bags at bag schools, now we're one of them and players picking school based on bills? I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to say a school tampered with a player. Well no ****, it's already happened, here, and elsewhere.

This is starting to look like the NFL. College football used to be more fun, players stayed with teams and developed, etc. **** time if you aren't a bag / NIL school.

I wonder if we'll get to a point where we'll see a player go to 4 schools in 4 seasons, each season just going where the best deal is.

Is this now just a game of mercenaries?
It will be a story of the haves and have nots. How could this be good for college football? If we did not have the Ruiz family and others, if we still had Manny Diaz, Miami fans will feel totally different about this.
I don’t really think Miami fans would feel different. Our fanbase isn’t dumb, we have known that the game was always “buying” players. We were just hesitant to join in as we know the NCAA would give us the death penalty and ignore what other schools were blatantly doing.

If the NIL happened and we didn’t have Ruiz and the other wonderful boosters supporting us, we would not hate the NIL system, we would hate the lack of support our football program has…. Which we already were hating