Yo this totally uncalled for man. Duasso got nothing to do with Josh changing his mind. Josh been in Conn. for months now. Chill, you don’t even know what going on behind the scenes right now. It sucks and I know it’s shady but chill out.
Yo Geo, slow up. No one, and I mean NO ONE told Humpty Dumpty to go on all those podcasts and consistently claim Jobe was ours. The clown even went as far to say the kid was going to troll the fans to the end but rest assured he’d be a Cane. These “adults” need to start teaching these young me. To either commit and stay true or handle your business like a MAN and go through the process correctly. Respect should be earned on both sides. But nah he was cool warning us the boy would troll instead of telling him to handle to like a man. If he doesn’t want the noise he shouldn’t have been popping off as much.
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I get why you’re upset but you’re trashing someone I know and have met personally. What Duasso was saying what Josh was saying himself considering he was his coach in the off-season. That is what is uncalled for. He got no control of what Josh doing considering he’s in a whole other state.
I’m not telling you to not vent or to not be upset but you’re going at the wrong person. DJ & Gil don’t count for anything either huh?
I don't know what you meeting him has to do with me.
Again, if he wasn't 200% sure, he shouldn't have been vouching for the boy. This was more than just saying I think hes a Cane- he was basically his PR man always speaking on his behalf to calm the fans down since his trolling was daily. This kid is clearly not someone you should put your rep on the line for. Duasso old enough to know that at this point. And DJ and Gil? Maybe he should've spent all the time he vouched for Jobe speaking on them instead, since those seem to be staying true up to this point.