Alabama's "foundation' is going to give Jeudy substantial monetary sums over the course of the next year.
Have you been to Tuscaloosa? It is one of the scariest places in the world. The campus is beautiful but Tuscaloosa is a complete dump. They were ravaged by tornadoes 4-years ago and there are STILL buildings with holes in them. Place is decrepit. You cannot entice a 5-star to that town without paying them a fortune. Oxford, Mississippi, Athens, Georgia, and to a lesser extent, Auburn, are nice Southern towns, but Tuscaloosa is a southern ghetto.
The son of Bear Bryant runs Alabama's foundation. He made some money in commercial banking and funnels a ton of money to the Tide. Alabama, Auburn and Arkansas pay the most. Georgia has a foundation (the CEO of the fund I worked at was highly involved), so Richt must obviously know about it. Georgia pays well, but less than the other guys. Mississippi and Miss State pay more than Georgia. Vanderbilt never pays recruits. Not sure if Florida does. I personally know people on the Board of Georgia's, Arkansas and Alabama's foundations.