2024 Jeremiah Smith 2.0 ,,, Signs with Taint

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Common sense says this but I think the paying for visits and soft commitments that apparently goes on may make it possible.

I think OSU see Miami as a serious threat. That's why they're dropping bags for him to visit during key Miami home games when possible. I don't know what his family's financial situation is but who's going to pay $1000 to fly up to Columbus for the weekend to watch OSU vs Youngtown on their own dime.
I think OSU see Miami as a serious threat. That's why they're dropping bags for him to visit during key Miami home games when possible. I don't know what his family's financial situation is but who's going to pay $1000 to fly up to Columbus for the weekend to watch OSU vs Youngtown on their own dime.

He’s the top prospect in the country. If he’s committed to you, you treat everyone as a threat until you receive his signature.
Common sense says this but I think the paying for visits and soft commitments that apparently goes on may make it possible.
Sure I get all that. But if he’s actually going to flip, he’s going to have to tell them no and pick us for something eventually. unless we think he’s just doing the ultimate signing day flip without any visits since summer…
way too many ppl on here are spending too much time over-analyzing where this kid is spending his weekends. Miami keeps playing offensively like they have this season & they'll get to pick who they want at WR

the last 20 years recruiting's board's been a sh*thole once games are being played. most exciting thing about the recruitment of any single recruit should be how this team is looking now that games are being played
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