2024 Jeremiah Smith 2.0 ,,, Signs with Taint

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And you’re a Canes fan?

Those two statements don’t jive.

Pistons and Canes in the 80’s go together like…
Football and basketball… hello???? apples and oranges. Different sport. I enjoyed a good fyzical basketball game but be honest it’s not supposed to be like a Gottdamm WWF match 😂🤣😂 I enjoyed good basketball regardless now I just watch some highlights because it’s not a watchable product. My favorite sport is football and The Canes is the first team I loved being I lived about 3 blocks from the Old Girl ( Orange Bowl )so I’m not a Detroit fanatic but I was amazed by Jordan and I actually cheered for The knicks before The Heat came to Town

Football and basketball… hello???? apples and oranges. Different sport. I enjoyed a good fyzical basketball game but be honest it’s not supposed to be like a Gottdamm WWF match 😂🤣😂 I enjoyed good basketball regardless now I just watch some highlights because it’s not a watchable product. My favorite sport is football and The Canes is the first team I loved being I lived about 3 blocks from the Old Girl ( Orange Bowl )so I’m not a Detroit fanatic but I was amazed by Jordan and I actually cheered for The knicks before The Heat came to Town
Talking mentality of the teams. Could even throw the Fab 5 in that mix.

can’t even remember if the Heat were a thing yet.
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Talking mentality of the teams. Could even through the Fab 5 in that mix.

can’t even remember if the Heat were a thing yet.
Ok I get what you’re saying now but me personally I cheered against Micheal Jordan but I saw his greatness. I cheered for NY knicks until Heat became a thing in 1988 I was young though. Man I loved me some Ronny Seikley🤣😂🤣Go Bimbo Coles!
Being a kid in the 305 there were no panthers marlins, or heat.

Got the tigers in 83. The wings dominating a bit later and the pistons doing the same.

I have two sets to root for now. Would love a Dolphins vs Lions Super Bowl.
Peeps still watch NBA? that ish is unwatchable..used to be my fav sport as a kid in the 90’s but now you couldn’t pay me to watch that crap
The atmosphere at NBA games is mockably hilarious. Devoid of any passion whatsoever.
I always wonder when/how threads just shift to complete off topic discussions 😂.
It usually starts with, "uhm...hey bro, I see your open browser tab there on the right appears to be donkey/goat/hamster/nun swinging on a trapeeze ****...."

Then quickly followed by desperate pleas to maudes of deleting a thread....

breaking news

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