Jeff Thomas

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Miami fanbase has just as many racist as Alabama's. Ignorance is everywhere and comes in all colors. Turn the page. It's played out.

I'm not saying there is no racism in Miami but to say it has just as much as Bama is ****ing idiotic.

You're entitled to your opinion. I respectfully disagree.

Lol.. The KKK still has active members in Alabama and old timers walk around that campus pointing out trees that blacks used to hang from. There is no comparison.

Boosters there joke "I'm a contribution to the blacks, I love em and think everyone should own one"

You are not from Alabama so how much time have you spent in the state?

Boy I feel like I'm at a reunion with all the former canestime names I'm seeing. I've missed u lucane. Lol. I'm the dumb@$$ for sticking around that dump . I feel reborn
Miami fanbase has just as many racist as Alabama's. Ignorance is everywhere and comes in all colors. Turn the page. It's played out.

I'm not saying there is no racism in Miami but to say it has just as much as Bama is ****ing idiotic.

You're entitled to your opinion. I respectfully disagree.

Lol.. The KKK still has active members in Alabama and old timers walk around that campus pointing out trees that blacks used to hang from. There is no comparison.

Boosters there joke "I'm a contribution to the blacks, I love em and think everyone should own one"

You are not from Alabama so how much time have you spent in the state?

hes right the football players defiently dont deal with it but the rest do

lol @ this part " only football playyers dont deal with it "
It's huge if Thomas ends up not making it to UL this weekend. To me, that essentially means we will have only one legit competitor. There's always the chance for a midweek visit (which never seems to have the same impact as a weekend), but I think the more likely scenario is he drops the UT visit for a UL reschedule.

Only downside of that scenario would be that UL (who most are saying is our biggest competition for Thomas) potentially gets the last visit. Still, I'm liking our chances.

If I'm being honest, I'm more concerned as to whether or not he will qualify academically. I know Pete has said chances are looking more realistic, but do we know any specifics there? Grades, test score issues?
The Illinois board is saying that he just received a qualifying test score and that is why he is receiving a lot more interest.

Not sure which Illinois board you're referring to, but test score has never been his issue.
Miami fanbase has just as many racist as Alabama's. Ignorance is everywhere and comes in all colors. Turn the page. It's played out.

I'm not saying there is no racism in Miami but to say it has just as much as Bama is ****ing idiotic.

You're entitled to your opinion. I respectfully disagree.

Lol.. The KKK still has active members in Alabama and old timers walk around that campus pointing out trees that blacks used to hang from. There is no comparison.

Boosters there joke "I'm a contribution to the blacks, I love em and think everyone should own one"

You are not from Alabama so how much time have you spent in the state?

I'm Cuban, everyone from Alabama thinks I'm Mexican and when I correct them, they say "Cuban, Mexican, same thing"
Last three follows:

Trajan Bandy.

Significant because he only follows 107 guys, and like 20 of them are Umiami guys

twitter science < snake oil

Man, we have seem serious stalkers in here. Hope u are 16-18 years old, or I seriously feel for u.
Swag is good people, he's just updating us on info nothing wrong with that...

I follow a lot of the players/commits & prospects on Twitter as well, some of them follow me back & I've actually dm'd with a few.
weather looks bad in Lousville and even worse in STL.

Thomas needs a wiff of south florida sunshine

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