Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

If decision is not made in next couple of days this should not happen. It’s not fair to anyone, especially him, to miss more then a week of school. I don’t care when add drop day is.
Ahh, school. Another sore spot with him by all accounts. He will have to suck it up and attend class, etc if he is given this second chance. He is a STUDENT athlete last we checked.... Regardless of whether he comes back so he can go out next year in the NFL or not.

Do you want to win???

Or do you only want to win with qualifications...i.e. all players must be; choir boys, must never have quit, can't be "too fast" etc etc?

JT has his faults, but nobody can doubt his effort on the field, his outstanding skills or his phenomenal talents.

Champions need difference makers. JT mere presence makes a HUGE difference on the playing field.

Who wouldn't want to have that on their side?
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Lmao. I’ve never said he shouldn’t be back on the team. I’m saying stop making excuses for him. Everyone else sucked it up, he acted like a petulant child.

Kind of the way you just did when facing a position that’s different than yours.
i am in favor of letting him back in IF the team chooses to. but you are half right that he acted like a petulant child. actually, he acted like a kid with little to no parenting and guidance on dealing with adversity and remaining committed. he's probably never had them modeled for him. so he did what most of these guys do, which is to quit.

so we can let him quit or teach him a lesson and give him support. he needs the latter badly. i say this because if you read what he writes and from what i've read from those that actually know, he's a good kid with a kind heart.
Does the CIS greater than 50 page thread curse apply to players that are being reinstated? Or is that just recruits?
i am in favor of letting him back in IF the team chooses to. but you are half right that he acted like a petulant child. actually, he acted like a kid with little to no parenting and guidance on dealing with adversity and remaining committed. he's probably never had them modeled for him. so he did what most of these guys do, which is to quit.

so we can let him quit or teach him a lesson and give him support. he needs the latter badly. i say this because if you read what he writes and from what i've read from those that actually know, he's a good kid with a kind heart.

Agree 100%.

For the record, I have zero issues with Jeff as a person or his return. Just think deflecting blame elsewhere would be a huge mistake that will only make it worse for him going forward.
Here is what is happening here.

The only smoke about JT4 has been manufactured IN THIS THREAD.

People read this thread, like lame local reporters such as Mammary Navarro, and report it, thereby reinforcing the manufactured rumor, which began in this thread.

Like Kekulé’s dream snake, you guys are eating your own tail. Creating your own rumor, and then using your own smoke as proof of the rumor you created. With a couple of flimsy “insiders” - you know who you are - fanning the flames with your wishful thinking.

NEWSFLASH - just because you might have a passing acquaintance with a couple of players on the team doesn’t mean you now shlt, doesn’t mean they tell you shlt, and doesn’t mean they even know shlt. You think MD and the sports administration are blabbermouthing their inside personnel plans to one grunt out of 85? Here’s a clue: THEY’RE NOT.

I have not seen one single realiable thing from JT4 or his camp that would add credence to any of this.

There is no smoke - except what’s been created here.
he quit on the team, blah blah blah, no his flipping coaches quit on the team. He was just smart enough to jump off the crashing plane!!! it's funny because repeatedly our offensive players were publicly vocal about the team, and they were the young hungry ones. Bring that young man back and see how he responds to a staff that gives a bleap!!! if he's a cancer like the former oc claims, you know the oc, who had to take a demotion at crappy SC, then put measures in place!
Bruh...yall know how much people grow up in ****** areas and didnt quit? It's an EXCUSE. QUITTERS find reasons to QUIT. Successful people find reasons to OVERCOME. It's as simple as that.
I have nothing against him coming back...but justifying the act of quitting never flies. Instead of finishing what he started and transferring, he seemed to have no problem going back home to that dysfunctional home away from a **** University.
The kid has likely never had structure. He needs to be in school with structure and somebody with there thumbs on his neck directing him. As he grows in this most impressionable time of his life he will come to realize what accountability means, as well as the need to stay with the fight, come what may. SOMEBODY has to give him that structure. Why not Manny D and this U.

Call it a second if you like. But I've seen too many cases like this where that chance changes the trajectory of their lives. Not saying we should harbor thugs and trouble-makers but you have to be able to identify good people who need help.
Bruh...yall know how much people grow up in ****** areas and didnt quit? It's an EXCUSE. QUITTERS find reasons to QUIT. Successful people find reasons to OVERCOME. It's as simple as that.
I have nothing against him coming back...but justifying the act of quitting never flies. Instead of finishing what he started and transferring, he seemed to have no problem going back home to that dysfunctional home away from a **** University.

JT4 has a child at home and has been wanting to be closer to his family for some time now. Of course he’s going to have no problem going back home if things went South. You have no clue what happened with this kid and previous staff. If the kids and staff are okay with him coming back, I’ll take their word for it.
I would have quit the instant my QB said I was too fast.

Thats like complaining the the linemen are too strong.

This. I was done with Rosie after he made a comment that JT4 was TOO fast and made the idiotic statement that he would cover himself aka he covered himself by running out of Rosie’s arm strength range!

That kid lost the fire in his belly and was going through the motions