Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

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Pete even came on here and said that he wasn't recruited as much because of his grades. People didn't know about his issues in HS until the 89 Blocks documentary came out.
Bro If you really think a major program won’t stick behind a kid with just the grade issues then your mistaken there. Especially a top 50 kid. They will stick with and hold that spot if your taking steps to get on track. Which Jeff was.

Now to the other stuff. Recruiters look at everything about a kid and likely know everything about a kid. How they talk to teachers. They talk to your coaches. They look at your social media activity. They talk to administration. Any red flag that comes up trust me they know about it. So if there were any Programs knew about it. For a kid to get kicked off his HS team as a star player it must’ve been bad. For a kid to stop going to class in HIGH SCHOOL it must’ve been bad..UM have him a shot. After a 10 year win he was discrunteled..And he was having a breakout season individually lining up to be a 1st or 2nd RD pick. So this was not over a gripe about playing time or it shouldn’t have been.
Bro If you really think a major program won’t stick behind a kid with just the grade issues then your mistaken there. Especially a top 50 kid. They will stick with and hold that spot if your taking steps to get on track. Which Jeff was.

Now to the other stuff. Recruiters look at everything about a kid and likely know everything about a kid. How they talk to teachers. They talk to your coaches. They look at your social media activity. They talk to administration. Any red flag that comes up trust me they know about it. So if there were any Programs knew about it. For a kid to get kicked off his HS team as a star player it must’ve been bad. For a kid to stop going to class in HIGH SCHOOL it must’ve been bad..UM have him a shot. After a 10 year win he was discrunteled..And he was having a breakout season individually lining up to be a 1st or 2nd RD pick. So this was not over a gripe about playing time or it shouldn’t have been.

It was about usage. He went 4 games with very little catches. Unacceptable. He had every right to be mad. We have threads of ppl on CIS ****ed about the same thing.
JT was the best receiver here since the 1980's??? Whoever wrote that must be smoking some major crack.
Lmao..moss..jones..Johnson.. Wayne..never heard of these guys..the never went here lmao

**** even hankerson/hurn/coley produced more..but talent and being electrifying Jeff Thomas was that
It was about usage. He went 4 games with very little catches. Unacceptable. He had every right to be mad. We have threads of ppl on CIS ****ed about the same thing.
We also know he was and has been dinged up since FSU...he’d make a play and limp off for a play..that’s why I ignored the usage threads for those 3 weeks following’s like ppl forget he nearly had his knee decapatated on that KR...the weeks following not only did his touches go down but his snaps went down..even if it was that which I doubt that was the main issue at can go to the coaches with that stuff. In the right manner. No coach is kicking a off a team that is proven to be a playmaker for that
No idea what your talking about. I was replying to the guy that said JT4 was the best receiver (by a wide margin) at UM since the 80's.
Sorry man I think I meant to be responding to someone else. My bad.
We also know he was and has been dinged up since FSU...he’d make a play and limp off for a play..that’s why I ignored the usage threads for those 3 weeks following’s like ppl forget he nearly had his knee decapatated on that KR...the weeks following not only did his touches go down but his snaps went down..even if it was that which I doubt that was the main issue at can go to the coaches with that stuff. In the right manner. No coach is kicking a off a team that is proven to be a playmaker for that

AR82 being out and nobody stepping up to fill that lost production also allowed teams to double JT4.
Please go into further detail..discregard this season..I want to year how he was incompetent years 1&2

He’s been running this O for 3 years. Regardless of what u think of it, how can u Justify him having Kaaya and rosier run the same things? That led to his first four game losing streak. It was incompetence to expect Kaaya to run.

Year two he came out with a couple good game plans. ND and VT. But the rest of the season he continued to lean into his weakness.. his o line. Insisting on a power running game is fine, if u have the personnel. He didn’t. He was so stubborn that he’d run into the teeth of solid D lines, even when their pass D wasn’t as good. Once defenses realized all they needed to do was stack the box, he didn’t win another game. To make matters worse, he refused to exploit the middle of the field... 4 verts, baby.

In 3 years he has consistently adhered to his tendencies... Ds know what’s coming. It’s hard to win a down when the D knows what’s up.

In 3 years, he has yet to use any motion. That’s insane considering his o line and an issues. At the very least it wouidve helped his QB identify coverages, moved defenses out of an area for a receiver and give his line a split second more time while the D read the play.

He’s yet to gameplan. He doesn’t try to get our speed guys against specific defenders. He doesn’t attack a Ds weakness. He just runs plays.

Last season’s turnovers our d got really helped to mask our offenses shortcomings. We were winning close games vs crappy teams. Those TOs saved us.

This is all straight incompetence. Or worse.. lazy.

Hopefully that makes sense.. gotta baby sleeping on me as I type
He’s been running this O for 3 years. Regardless of what u think of it, how can u Justify him having Kaaya and rosier run the same things? That led to his first four game losing streak. It was incompetence to expect Kaaya to run.

Year two he came out with a couple good game plans. ND and VT. But the rest of the season he continued to lean into his weakness.. his o line. Insisting on a power running game is fine, if u have the personnel. He didn’t. He was so stubborn that he’d run into the teeth of solid D lines, even when their pass D wasn’t as good. Once defenses realized all they needed to do was stack the box, he didn’t win another game. To make matters worse, he refused to exploit the middle of the field... 4 verts, baby.

In 3 years he has consistently adhered to his tendencies... Ds know what’s coming. It’s hard to win a down when the D knows what’s up.

In 3 years, he has yet to use any motion. That’s insane considering his o line and an issues. At the very least it wouidve helped his QB identify coverages, moved defenses out of an area for a receiver and give his line a split second more time while the D read the play.

He’s yet to gameplan. He doesn’t try to get our speed guys against specific defenders. He doesn’t attack a Ds weakness. He just runs plays.

Last season’s turnovers our d got really helped to mask our offenses shortcomings. We were winning close games vs crappy teams. Those TOs saved us.

This is all straight incompetence. Or worse.. lazy.

Hopefully that makes sense.. gotta baby sleeping on me as I type
Hold think we run the same **** now as we ran when we had kaaya? We don’t tho. Other than the’s totally diff. From what he ask the QBs to do as far as footwork..the routes..formations and personal groupings..this past 2 years has been a “playbook for dummies”
Hold think we run the same **** now as we ran when we had kaaya? We don’t tho. Other than the’s totally diff. From what he ask the QBs to do as far as footwork..the routes..formations and personal groupings..this past 2 years has been a “playbook for dummies”
The last part of the season w Kaaya he went to more of a short passing game timing patterns etc, but most of the season he was trying to be a power running team or his RPO Game that rosier ran.

I don’t remember that dive play he loves so much being so prominent, and rosier had more designed runs... but largely it’s the same. No motion, limited routes, slooooooow.

Now after the four game losing streak he finally figured it out w Kaaya a little... not before.
Well, if you believe the reporting on this issue, Jeff, as a recruit, was being ignored by major programs who loved his athletic ability, but apparently believed he would be a significant behavioral problem. Coach Richt wanted to give the kid a chance and signed him when other major programs would not.

Also, again if you believe the reporting, the coaches have been in an almost constant struggle to keep Jeff on the straight and narrow since his arrival on campus, and over the last number of weeks, Jeff raised the bar to a level that the coaches simply could no longer tolerate.

I loved watching Jeff play and am saddened his career at the "U" is over. Had he emulated DeeJay Dallas' behavior and dedication he most probably would have been an NFL first-round pick. Terribly sad!

Hopefully, this experience will be enlightening for him and he goes on to achieve great things in the football world and life, not only for himself but his family as well.
It’s not what the mob wants to hear.
It was about usage. He went 4 games with very little catches. Unacceptable. He had every right to be mad. We have threads of ppl on CIS ****ed about the same thing.

He’ll yeah!! It’s usage!!
Next year he will get used as a pine warmer. Instead of developing a relationship with an agent and Mel Kiper!!
You go dog!! You show them what’s up Jeff. Way to go!!! Woo hooo!!! Tell dugans he can hug deeezzz nutzzz!!
Who knew Richt was a better defensive player than offensive. 😀

you put JT4 at Oklahoma and he's 'Hollywood' Brown. I really dont think we've even seen him scratch the surface of his ability. This young man has some growing up to do( I know he has a lot of issues) but he can be special. It's too bad we never really saw him blossom at UM.

But again Im a fan of his, regardless