Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

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From what I read in the Miami Herald JT4 needs attitude adjustment if allowed back JT4 will not change PRIDE is his issue and needs some DESERT TIME to get his head straight.

Illinois can’t fix it JT4 has baggage I’m not to sure they welcome this infestation.

NFL can fix this real quick , cut JT4 loose if not the soap opera ain’t over.

I’m sure you can clearly see the entire situation and all the facts after reading an article from the Herald.
Many of the comments about this situation focus on it being either the players "fault" or the coaches "fault". When in a reality, it's a 2 way street. The player must accept personal responsibility for his actions/inaction and the coaches must do their jobs in helping the player be the best he can be.

We know some of the details but certainly not all the intimate details. I'm not going to speculate on what the unknowns might be. We'll probably never know what the unknowns are. It is what it is.

Wish JT4 the best and move on.
How many people think this would happen under Jimmy Johnson? Or Saban, Urban, Dabo, or any number of coaches? Mork simply does not know how to manage personalities. Stop making excuses for him!

You think Playmaker was an easy personality to navigate while at UM? Nobody with any sense would say yes.

The fact that this staff and others are trying to use Thomas's past to try justify dismissing for what may or may not have happened is disgusting.
Bosa Quit Ohio St this year, forget about that already?
No idea what your talking about. I was replying to the guy that said JT4 was the best receiver (by a wide margin) at UM since the 80's.
JT was the best receiver here since the 1980's??? Whoever wrote that must be smoking some major crack.
How did they bend over backwards for JT?

Well, if you believe the reporting on this issue, Jeff, as a recruit, was being ignored by major programs who loved his athletic ability, but apparently believed he would be a significant behavioral problem. Coach Richt wanted to give the kid a chance and signed him when other major programs would not.

Also, again if you believe the reporting, the coaches have been in an almost constant struggle to keep Jeff on the straight and narrow since his arrival on campus, and over the last number of weeks, Jeff raised the bar to a level that the coaches simply could no longer tolerate.

I loved watching Jeff play and am saddened his career at the "U" is over. Had he emulated DeeJay Dallas' behavior and dedication he most probably would have been an NFL first-round pick. Terribly sad!

Hopefully, this experience will be enlightening for him and he goes on to achieve great things in the football world and life, not only for himself but his family as well.
I think there’s enough blame to go around on both sides. Richt not getting a oc and using the talent we have. Thomas quitting on the team with two games to go. For me the problem is that yes Thomas is a great talent and has shown flashes of it but, I haven’t seen many players getting better over time. We don’t seem to develop any of this talent. I want players who want to be here and will work hard aren’t afraid of competition. If we can’t utilize and and bring this raw talent out this will continue to happen and eventually recruits will not want to be here.
Wrong to want it more or wrong to leave?

And have you ever heard of Duke Johnson? Ahmonn Richards?

Yes clearly my entire point was about debating who has been the most explosive, not where these explosive players are now. Sadly, I believe Thomas may have played more ball at Miami than Richards ultimately did.
The University of Miami announced Wednesday that star sophomore wide receiver Jeff Thomas is no longer a member of the football program.

“We have high standards for excellence, for conduct and for the commitment to team for all of the young men who wear our uniform, and we will not waver from those standards,” head coach Mark Richt said. “We wish Jeff the very best as he moves forward in his journey.”

Since yesterday afternoon, CanesInSight has been hearing talk of Thomas leaving the team. At least one UM player later confirmed Thomas wasn’t at practice or meetings yesterday, left the team due to clashes with coaches, and has been disgruntled for some time now. Earlier today ahead of Wednesday's practice, UM's communications department would only say Thomas was “not at practice due to personal reasons. He is a member of the football team.”

Apparently, that changed as UM instead elected to dismiss Thomas after practice.

With Thomas’ status up in the air, the team held Wednesday's practice as normal. Starting QB N’Kosi Perry and offensive coordinator/RB coach Thomas commented on the matter at the conclusion of practice in a media session, but did not elaborate on the situation at hand.

Before Thomas was dismissed, Perry said that he had personally called Thomas and referred to him as “a huge part of the team," although he wouldn't elaborate on what exactly was said in the conversation.

“It’s an in-house issue, we’re handling it in-house,” Brown said. “I’m not going to make a public comment about it.”

Thomas’ troubled history has been well-documented, as the receiver repeatedly missed classes and practices while struggling academically at East St. Louis High back in Illinois. As a result, Thomas was suspended and had to earn his way back onto his high school team via a team vote. After arriving in Miami in 2017 and having a breakout freshman season in which he averaged over 22 yards per catch, CIS learned that Thomas seriously contemplated a transfer over the 2018 summer before being convinced to stay by the staff. Privately, some around UM have expressed that an issue with Thomas was inevitable and that it was surprising that it has taken this long.

Thomas ends his Miami career with 52 catches, 937 yards, and 5 TD's in a little under 2 seasons of play.

UPDATE: Thomas released a comment on his dismissal from his Twitter feed.

From all accounts, Thomas quit...didn’t care because he was frustrated about playing time. Entitlement gets you nowhere in life...move on
If we had an real offensive coaches we would be either 9-1 or undefeated. Amateur hour is over Marc hire real freaking coaches or retire!!!
I didn't say anything about pacifying the kid or rolling out the red carpet. I said, let the players deal with him to a point. Provide a buffer. In a strong locker room this BS would never happen. It would have been squashed last year. If anything Richt is discouraging the locker room because he doesn't empower his players to handle player issues that would be squashed. Instead he scolds the guys trying to take leadership. Richards, Perry, both were scolded when checking their teammates. He's not a lone. Most college coaches control and want to control everything while most NFL coaches let the team leaders deal with a lot of the issues. It's all a part of the growth for these young men, Let them lead.
There’s no doubt what your saying happens in every locker room and most of that stuff is put out b4 it get to a point like this...If this was a one time incident I’d agree with u..but we know Thomas wanted out last season and after last’s just something that has festered. Then he has a confrontation with a coach. And then doesn’t show for practice 2- straight days..seems like a personality issue. We know he had issues in HS. That’ can’t be ignored. At some point enough is enough even for some one as talented as Jeff. We’ve seen this staff handle G will the right way and get him back in the fold. Not saying you but some are acting like JT acted out one time and MR gave him the boot. That’s not the case