Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

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Umm yes that’s what I said. I included the poor job in years one and 2 also.

This relationship should’ve never deteriorated to the point where the kid walks out. That’s on the adults In the room.

he wanted to leave last year. they talked him back into coming back. he wanted to leave again, they tried to talk him back in, but this it didnt work
Not gonna re-read this whole thread. Is it clear yet what caused Thomas to leave/get booted? Thanks in advance.
Seriously, what the Fvck are you talking about. In your world, a 10 win season, winning the ACC Coastal for the first time ever and playing in the Orange Bowl after 13 years of not being even close to a major bowl invitation after hoisting the program out of the abyss is incompetence? Pal, you need to get a grip!

I will stand by statement... rich has done a poor job all 3 seasons he’s been here. I’d gladly go into detail, discuss and even debate... but that’s not your thing.

"We have high standards for excellence" - Mark Richt

Your offense is ranked 90th and you've already lost 5 games in your third year while facing a cakewalk schedule. GTFOH and never come back.

This should be the first fking banner flying!!!
he wanted to leave last year. they talked him back into coming back. he wanted to leave again, they tried to talk him back in, but this it didnt work
Dugans tore into him. Kids obviously fragile, wasn’t necessary.
Umm yes that’s what I said. I included the poor job in years one and 2 also.

This relationship should’ve never deteriorated to the point where the kid walks out. That’s on the adults In the room.

Nope not at all...not even close. The adults run the show here, and that's how it works...Not some little spoiled brat dramatic kid.

The kid walks out...And it's the staff's fault the "relationship deteriorated" Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? No college football team in America can operate under that dynamic.
Dugans tore into him. Kids obviously fragile, wasn’t necessary.

he also skipped practice, skipped out on meetings, had issues the prior week which led to being benched for 2 series. you guys will crush the coach for not being tough, but then crush them for being tough? some of you guys literally said richt is a ***** bc he aint tough and all this. so, we gave him tough love and it pushed him over the edge, so to speak. which do u want?
Tweed said:
For obvious reasons I don’t post or say anything publicly for that matter, BUT I will say this, nothing is ever as bad as messageboard rumors/chatter will have you believe. Of course some young guys are upset, because they want to play, (THAT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE) but to suggest all of our top talent from the 2018 class is going to leave over it, is not only reckless , but it’s completely unfair to the kids that these rumors are being started on. I compare it to employees at a job that complain amongst themselves, saying how much they hate their job and that they are going to quit, but still show up to work the next day to get the job done. The only difference is, is that those employees don’t have thousands of fans deciphering every social media post. And that’s all I have to say about that. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving.

Not fair that an adult shows up and speaks intelligently, honestly and forcefully, which should get him a boatload of downvotes. Now had he mixed in a little hate and few gut shots to Coach Richt then his other comments could have been at least partially forgiven by the herd.
I wonder if N'Kosi is too stupid to take this as a direct insult to him too? Thomas just bailed on him and whatever perceived potential we might think he has as much as he bailed on Rick's ****ty playcalling and Dugan's tough love.
I wonder if N'Kosi is too stupid to take this as a direct insult to him too? Thomas just bailed on him and whatever perceived potential we might think he has as much as he bailed on Rick's ****ty playcalling and Dugan's tough love.

this is true. again, D and Stef both said he quit and others have bashed them bc the school announced it as dismissed.
I will stand by statement... rich has done a poor job all 3 seasons he’s been here. I’d gladly go into detail, discuss and even debate... but that’s not your thing.

What I wouldn't do to see you make that case in front of a group of football experts. Trust me, they would throw a net over you, while firing a tranquilizer dart into your left **** cheek. You herd members never allow facts to get in your way of a good hate rant.

I wonder if N'Kosi is too stupid to take this as a direct insult to him too? Thomas just bailed on him and whatever perceived potential we might think he has as much as he bailed on Rick's ****ty playcalling and Dugan's tough love.

Ironic. If N'Kosi was on his job he'd have been starting at LSU this season, we'd be looking forward to playing Clemson, and things wouldn't have come to this. He's the ringleader of the immaturity club.