Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

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No. Fvck that. Jimmy Johnson isn’t kicking JT off the team. Neither is Butch Davis.

U can buy into that “discipline” narrative, but it’s comoletely false. Star players Are treated differently.

Until they **** the bed too much.

so what example is He setting by letting one of our star players miss practice and talk **** about the team? that is a cancer whatever way you want to spin it, because the recruits and other members can be like he did I can do it to. Not how it works. someone screwed up somewhere with it getting this far but its at the point they had to release him.

The staff has worked around a lot of immaturity, but disrespect can't be tolerated. I'm so happy we can move on from this type of behavior and just focus on playing football. Jadon and everyone else can come get reps day one if they want to work hard and buy in. I love what this says about the coach and program. No one player or coach is bigger than this []__[], and I hope more accountability is held in the offseason.
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Posted 35 minutes ago.

Jeff and Kosi are really close. Were roommates last year IIRC. Doesn’t surprise me he’s there with his boy. Not that you are, but I wouldn’t read much into that. ****** situation but from what I’ve gathered, one that had to be done. Not trying to pile on the kid, he obviously comes from a rough place and has had the deck stacked against him for a long time, but there’s a lot of people in similar situations who don’t sabotage themselves.
How do you know it was mishandled? If Jeff Thomas is in there MFing his coaches, then there is no option but to let him go. There isn't a single kid on our roster who is good enough to have to put up with stuff like this.
Who recruited JT, and the rest of the “cancers” on the team?
I wanna fire Mark Richt because of 3 seasons of incompetence, which includes the mishandling of his best player.

Lol not his best player and how is he mishandling if the kid's *******?

And yeah I have no problem wanting the guy fired, he did a poor job this year. But that's not what you said.
Thomas and Dugans got into it. 2 years in a row Ron got into it with a WR. not even counting Pope. the WORST part of this would be losing Thomas, losing Pope, and THEN Dugans going to fsu in the offseason and taking Hasselwood with him. :snoopfacepalm:

Wow! You're one of those Cats that when it begins to sprinkle builds an Ark and goes to the local zoo for your guests. Take two Valium and start posting in the morning.
Jimmy Johnson gave that quote three decades ago.

That s**t doesn't fly anymore in this era of soft, coddled, entitled athletes.

Side note; Jeff Thomas was no Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin or Emmett Smith. Jimmy was referring to star players on teams that have won championships—not sophomore wide outs who are hot and cold, playing on sub-par teams.

amen. Jimmy is different and things would have gotten this far.
So you wanna fire mark richt because of this Jeff Thomas spoiled brat type behavior...WTF is wrong with you?

Nah, not for this reason. I'd fire him because in twenty years of coaching he hasn't learned to improvise. If he couldn't see this team needs to play an up tempo game he's just an average Joe smo coach. The game has been changing for years, find a coach that has made the changes.
I wanna fire Mark Richt because of 3 seasons of incompetence, which includes the mishandling of his best player.

Seriously, what the Fvck are you talking about. In your world, a 10 win season, winning the ACC Coastal for the first time ever and playing in the Orange Bowl after 13 years of not being even close to a major bowl invitation after hoisting the program out of the abyss is incompetence? Pal, you need to get a grip!
When did tweed call dee a liar? I must've missed that one

Tweed said:
For obvious reasons I don’t post or say anything publicly for that matter, BUT I will say this, nothing is ever as bad as messageboard rumors/chatter will have you believe. Of course some young guys are upset, because they want to play, (THAT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE) but to suggest all of our top talent from the 2018 class is going to leave over it, is not only reckless , but it’s completely unfair to the kids that these rumors are being started on. I compare it to employees at a job that complain amongst themselves, saying how much they hate their job and that they are going to quit, but still show up to work the next day to get the job done. The only difference is, is that those employees don’t have thousands of fans deciphering every social media post. And that’s all I have to say about that. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving.
Jeff just posted this on IG!

jeff thomas.webp
Lol not his best player and how is he mishandling if the kid's *******?

And yeah I have no problem wanting the guy fired, he did a poor job this year. But that's not what you said.
Umm yes that’s what I said. I included the poor job in years one and 2 also.

This relationship should’ve never deteriorated to the point where the kid walks out. That’s on the adults In the room.