2024 Jayden Jackson 4* DT from IMG is a Sooner

This is so wrong lol. But we can agree to disagree.

Here’s what I have heard: Nesta was arguably the biggest cancer on the team. Top 5 easily. I’ve already mentioned without going into too much detail that he would routinely party all night, pick on teammates, and either not show up to practice or just quit when he wanted to because Manny had ZERO balls.

King isn’t going to trash his former teammates. You think Mario would just let a guy like Nesta walk away when DT was a major concern on this team? Not that Nesta is irreplaceable, but yeah.

He was basically asked to leave. If anyone wants to correct me, totally fine and would welcome the discussion.
You both have things you're right and wrong about.

All I know is this program has been a joke for so long. Soft as margarine on a hot summer day. Physically and mentally. No culture no leadership, and that spans several coaches. Hope Mario can change that. He for sure is the most no nonsense hard a** coach Miami has had since Butch.
Nesta was definitely about that. Him and gil had it in with Mandy too. Far as Rosier putting hands on anyone that's not something I ever seen. I saw a couple of kids put hands on him AR being one of them. But awfully hard to imagine it the other way around.
Mandy cost Gil money. he went from being out best defensive player to barely playing the next year.
I mean he probably was still a cancer to that locker room lol but yeah, this was said on a CanesSpace a few months ago. There was a few former(recent) Canes on there "spilling tea" about what was going on during their time. AR82 and Rosier was also on there. It was confirmed that Nesta was really putting paws on dudes because them boys was smiling and laughing after losses. And to everyone's surprise..... ROSIER was one of the few players putting paws on dudes as well.
Poor Mark Pope, it’s not his fault he has a smile permanently affixed on his face
Hmmmm, could’ve sworn Nesta was considered a cancer & was more bark than bite which frustrated teammates. And my memory could be fuzzy, but wasn’t it said he snitched on some teammates which caused a scuffle?
Nah Nesta was definitely tryna check dudes for slacking.. I remember there being big issues with thad not wanting to work out incoming year freshman season.. Like dude thought he was still high school big man on campus, he literally had a path to many carries as corches were tryna get him game ready and dude was missing workouts.. Nesta checked him and other players came to his defense..

I mentioned it when people tried to say Thad got next, I was like nah he aint got ****, he not even built like that.. lol.. I only mentioned that part at time..
FWIW, didn’t see Gaby’s comments.

This nesta talk about what he did or didn’t do either in the fighting or preparation is all you need to know about how fcked this team was inside and how poorly managed it was.

It seemed like nesta was all bout game day and taking out his frustration on dudes who weren’t about winning, while not about the process or leading by example to actually win on Saturday’s.

And yet they’re multiple players defending either action.

The locker room was fractured and the leaders were leading whatever mob was doing the head bustin.

A: can’t have players kicking *** while not performing and not doing what’s necessary.

B: can’t have a team where players are laughing about losing and also not performing on non game days

C: Can’t have players doubling down and defending either behavior.

If I’m not mistaken neata was one of the first dudes in the portal. And that’s very telling imo.