Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

I got the perfect story as to why I dont date:

My best friend (a girl) is single for a while and complains about dudes while texting with them or dating them. None of them fit her standards and I have to admit: They are crap lol

Then she starts dating this dude from her gym. A bit shy, know him, good dude, no bad intentions. They arrange a date but the spark hasnt really ignited, so they settle on a second one. Dude says he will call her and they will settle on time and place. Obviously, he doesnt call her and she goes "Bye, won't date this dude again".

Of course, the next time they met up at the gym, he claims he didn't have the time (sure) to text her and asks for an alternative date. Guess who said yes 🤣

This toxic BS is why I dont date. Took me four years to recognize and get rid of toxic BS and if that's what it takes to date, nope, I am out 🤣
Gym dude knows whats up. Women don't want an easy win - I don't care what she tells you, actions speak.

I got the perfect story as to why I dont date:

My best friend (a girl) is single for a while and complains about dudes while texting with them or dating them. None of them fit her standards and I have to admit: They are crap lol

Then she starts dating this dude from her gym. A bit shy, know him, good dude, no bad intentions. They arrange a date but the spark hasnt really ignited, so they settle on a second one. Dude says he will call her and they will settle on time and place. Obviously, he doesnt call her and she goes "Bye, won't date this dude again".

Of course, the next time they met up at the gym, he claims he didn't have the time (sure) to text her and asks for an alternative date. Guess who said yes 🤣

This toxic BS is why I dont date. Took me four years to recognize and get rid of toxic BS and if that's what it takes to date, nope, I am out 🤣
If @Trafficante is at the baller lever he claims he is, he should let you tail along so you can also avoid dating but still have regular 3somes with the top .0000000000001% of (non- ran through) women on the planet.
Hes talking about the girl that have millions of followers. The type hes talking about are the girls that Drake flies out. Like certified dimes, that won't give you notice, no matter how much game you have, unless you got money.

There are SOME exceptions. So I am sure everyone here has a story where they piped some model that drake also hit, or something like that. But what hes saying, is if you want to be flying in girls with millions of followers, or girls with that are legit dimes. When most people say Dimes. They just mean a really hot girl. Hes using dimes to mean, top .00000001% of girls. Like when someone says LA is filled with dimes. Thats not his definition of a dime, because there are so few actual dimes, a city can't be filled with dimes. Most cities have 0 dimes.
Bro, I know that you're cool with many of the dudes on this forum, but tbh these m'fers are hustlin backwards. No successful man would ever think the way these cats do. Ever

They're averse to paying for women upfront, because they're broke, and can't grasp the simple concept that everything has a cost. For people like us that have a growth mindset, we rather just pay for what we want, and spend the rest of our time making more money. Whereas these cats who have a scarcity mindset, spend all of their soft currency, while keeping their bank accounts the same. Lol

They think we're trying to flex about paying to play. The flex is that we have so much money, that we can literally get any woman in the world, without spending a significant amount of time, effort, & energy. That's the flex. The only way they're able to get women, below avg ones at that, is if they spend all of their time trying to "game" them. They think it's more important trying to master "game", than it is to become a high net worth individual. This is how retarded their thinking is. They believe choosing the path of most resistance somehow makes them an Alpha or Player. It makes you a fuggin moron. That's what it makes you. No wonder they all end up in failed marriages & relationships. Everything they do is illogical and makes no sense. Tell me which apex predator in the animal kingdom chooses the path of most resistance? When Lions hunt, do they not go after the easiest kill that allows them to conserve their time, effort, & energy?

Putting their worthless anecdotal evidence aside, these dudes have to understand that in this world, beauty has a price. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price you have to be willing to pay for her. Think about how delusional an individual must be to think an avg guy has the same level of accessibility to true 10's that a high net worth individual would. Then think about what the probability is for that avg guy having sexual relations with a true 10. Professional pickup artists are able to only close the deal about 10-15 percent of the time, and that's mainly with avg women. With these cats that percentage would be much lower. If these cats tried to slide into the DMs of some of the IG models that we are talking about, and tried to "game" them, what they will find out is even if they are able to get a date with them, and got them back to their place, they will immediately ask them where's the cash at? At this level you can't "game" women. These cats think that we are overpaying for women. When in reality they are the ones who are overvaluing & overrating women. Case in pt. is Joy Taylor. When we try to tell these dudes she's a 5, it's based on what kind of compensation would a similar type of woman receive on the open market. It's not based on some subjective value system, that varies from man to man. When you allow the free market to properly value women, inflation becomes controlled. We are paying FAIR market value for women, because there are universal beauty standards that are being applied here. That's what they're not understanding.

No other group of people have this sort of mentality towards pay to play. Only Black people think like this. One of the reasons for this is because of the sheer number of absentee fathers that exists within the community. Its a community comprised entirely of beta-simp males that are raised by single mothers. The goal of "game" is to get laid. It's not to find your next ex-wife. So if that's the goal, then the methodology that you utilize in order to achieve that, doesn't matter as much as the end result. In this community cats are trying to determine manhood based on the methodology instead of the actual result.

"MaN, ReAl AlPhAs DoNt PaY FoR *****."

"PaYiNg fOr ThE P, Is NoT PlAyA At aLl"

"ThEy HaVe To PaY BeCaUsE ThEy cAnT GeT ***** OfF tHe LiP"

Do you think Asians would ever have this sort of stupid *** mindset, if the men in their community had an avg salary of $40-50k? Maybe less time needs to be spent on trying to master "game" and more time on self-improvement, and learning new skills & competencies that are in demand. If you're a low value man like the majority of dudes on this forum, the last thing I would do is focus on women. However, if I do choose to focus on them, I definitely wouldn't be trying to master game. I would be hiring a pro 100% of the time. But if you're a high value man, you have some options in terms of what you can do.
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I resisted getting personally involved in this thread bc I didn’t want to sound like a douche. Half a bottle of Eagle Rare + a sixers blowout loss have F'd that up.

I have an ex that I dated for like 3 years. After we broke up, she moved to LA. I just looked, and she now has 9.1M followers. She is 100% one of the type of girls @Trafficante is referring to.

We stayed in touch over the years. She has told me about the world she lives in, the people she has ****ed.

I bet this comes as no surprise to @Rellyrell - The first guys that come to mind are Paul Marciano that owns Guess, and Mohammed Hadid (gigi & bella's father). These are like the prototype dudes that trafficante is talking about. They have cash, they have power (promise modeling jobs, etc), they just want to **** hot young girls and move on. These dudes **** the hottest girls on the planet on a regular basis... and a regular guy like me has been with several of the same girls as them.

1. They are all ran through. Trust.

2. Any dude can get any one of them if the stars align properly. These are all just regular girls from some small hometown that are 100% obtainable (and usually totally insecure).

Last time I talked to this ex (I am married now... to a hot/smart/awesome European/Hungarian... no "conquering" American girls here, whatever TF that means), she basically bragged to me that she ****ed Rick Salomon, the guy that is famous for making a **** with Paris Hilton. That is the world this girl is in now. This dude Trafficante is acting like the girls he gets are for sale, yet only for him.. wholesome whores. I can tell you with 100% confidence, unicorns don't exist.

I've also heard 1st hand stories about Leo - specifically, about him going home with girls that you wouldn't ever think Leo would bang. Yes, celebs are just like us. They get drunk and decide that the kind-of-heavy girl is **** and he wants to bang her tonight.

Moral of the story is that this dude @Trafficante is full of ****. I apologize in advance for injecting myself into this thread, and I promise to be better in the future. And Avante is the best pure safety we've had since ST. I'll die on that hill. Go Canes.
Bro, I know that you're cool with many of the dudes on this forum, but tbh these m'fers are hustlin backwards. No successful man would ever think the way these cats do. Ever

They're averse to paying for ***** upfront, because they're broke, and can't grasp the simple concept that everything has a cost. For people like us that have a growth mindset, we rather just pay for what we want, and spend the rest of our time making more money. Whereas these cats who have a scarcity mindset, spend all of their soft currency, while keeping their bank accounts the same. Lol

They think we're trying to flex about paying to play. The flex is that we have so much money, that we can literally get any woman in the world, without spending a significant amount of time, effort, & energy. That's the flex. The only way they're able to get women, below avg ones at that, is if they spend all of their time trying to "game" them. They think it's more difficult trying to "game" women, than it is becoming a high net worth individual. This is how retarded their thinking is. They believe choosing the path of most resistance somehow makes them an Alpha or Player. It makes you a fuggin moron. That's what it makes you. No wonder they all end up in failed marriages & relationships. Everything they do is illogical and makes no sense. Tell me which apex predator in the animal kingdom chooses the path of most resistance? When Lions hunt, do they not go after the easiest kill that allows them to conserve their time, effort, & energy?

Putting their worthless anecdotal evidence aside, these dudes have to understand that in this world, beauty has a price. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price you have to be willing to pay for her. Think about how delusional an individual must be to think an avg guy has the same level of accessibility to true 10's that a high net worth individual would. Then think about what the probability is for that avg guy having sexual relations with a true 10. Professional pickup artists are able to only close the deal about 10-15 percent of the time, and that's mainly with avg women. With these cats that percentage would be much lower. If these cats tried to slide into the DMs of some of the IG models that we are talking about, and tried to "game" them, what they will find out is even if they are able to get a date with them, and got them back to their place, they will immediately ask them where the cash at? At this level you can't "game" women. These cats think that we are overpaying for women. When in reality they are the ones who are overvaluing & overrating women. Case in pt. is Joy Taylor. When we try to tell these dudes she's a 5, it's based on what kind of compensation would a similar type of woman receive on the open market. It's not based on some subjective value system, that varies from man to man. When you allow the free market to properly value women, it helps to limit inflation. We are paying FAIR market value for women, because there are universal beauty standards that have to be applied here. That's what they're not understanding.

No other group of people have this sort of mentally towards pay to play. Only Black people think like this. One of the reasons for this is because of the sheer number of absentee fathers that exists within the community. Its a community comprised entirely of beta-simp males that are raised by single mothers. The goal of "game" is to get laid. It's not to find your next ex-wife. So if that's the goal, then the methodology that you utilize in order to achieve that, doesn't matter as much as the end result. In this community cats are trying to determine manhood based on the methodology instead of the actual result.

"MaN, ReAl AlPhAs DoNt PaY FoR *****."

"PaYiNg fOr ThE P, Is NoT PlAyA At aLl"

"ThEy HaVe To PaY BeCaUsE ThEy cAnT GeT ***** OfF tHe LiP"

Do you think Asians would ever have this sort of stupid *** mindset, if the men in their community had an avg salary of $40-50k? Maybe less time needs to spent on trying to master "game" and more time on self-improvement, and learning new skills & competencies that are in demand. If you're a low value man like the majority of dudes on this forum, the last thing I would do is focus on Women. However, if I do choose to focus on women, I definitely wouldn't be trying to master game. I would be hiring a pro 100% of the time. But if you're a high value man, now you have some options in terms of what you can do.
1. Joy Taylor is a 5

2. I would still **** her

3. I am white

4. You are full of ****
Here’s my Buffalo Trace contribution. I can’t take it anymore. I have to become involved. This is glorious.

Bro, I know that you're cool with many of the dudes on this forum, but tbh these m'fers are hustlin backwards. No successful man would ever think the way these cats do. Ever

They're averse to paying for women upfront, because they're broke, and can't grasp the simple concept that everything has a cost. For people like us that have a growth mindset, we rather just pay for what we want, and spend the rest of our time making more money. Whereas these cats who have a scarcity mindset, spend all of their soft currency, while keeping their bank accounts the same. Lol

They think we're trying to flex about paying to play. The flex is that we have so much money, that we can literally get any woman in the world, without spending a significant amount of time, effort, & energy. That's the flex. The only way they're able to get women, below avg ones at that, is if they spend all of their time trying to "game" them. They think it's more difficult trying to "game" women, than it is becoming a high net worth individual. This is how retarded their thinking is. They believe choosing the path of most resistance somehow makes them an Alpha or Player. It makes you a fuggin moron. That's what it makes you. No wonder they all end up in failed marriages & relationships. Everything they do is illogical and makes no sense. Tell me which apex predator in the animal kingdom chooses the path of most resistance? When Lions hunt, do they not go after the easiest kill that allows them to conserve their time, effort, & energy?

Putting their worthless anecdotal evidence aside, these dudes have to understand that in this world, beauty has a price. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price you have to be willing to pay for her. Think about how delusional an individual must be to think an avg guy has the same level of accessibility to true 10's that a high net worth individual would. Then think about what the probability is for that avg guy having sexual relations with a true 10. Professional pickup artists are able to only close the deal about 10-15 percent of the time, and that's mainly with avg women. With these cats that percentage would be much lower. If these cats tried to slide into the DMs of some of the IG models that we are talking about, and tried to "game" them, what they will find out is even if they are able to get a date with them, and got them back to their place, they will immediately ask them where's the cash at? At this level you can't "game" women. These cats think that we are overpaying for women. When in reality they are the ones who are overvaluing & overrating women. Case in pt. is Joy Taylor. When we try to tell these dudes she's a 5, it's based on what kind of compensation would a similar type of woman receive on the open market. It's not based on some subjective value system, that varies from man to man. When you allow the free market to properly value women, it helps to limit inflation. We are paying FAIR market value for women, because there are universal beauty standards that have to be applied here. That's what they're not understanding.

No other group of people have this sort of mentally towards pay to play. Only Black people think like this. One of the reasons for this is because of the sheer number of absentee fathers that exists within the community. Its a community comprised entirely of beta-simp males that are raised by single mothers. The goal of "game" is to get laid. It's not to find your next ex-wife. So if that's the goal, then the methodology that you utilize in order to achieve that, doesn't matter as much as the end result. In this community cats are trying to determine manhood based on the methodology instead of the actual result.

"MaN, ReAl AlPhAs DoNt PaY FoR *****."

"PaYiNg fOr ThE P, Is NoT PlAyA At aLl"

"ThEy HaVe To PaY BeCaUsE ThEy cAnT GeT ***** OfF tHe LiP"

Do you think Asians would ever have this sort of stupid *** mindset, if the men in their community had an avg salary of $40-50k? Maybe less time needs to be spent on trying to master "game" and more time on self-improvement, and learning new skills & competencies that are in demand. If you're a low value man like the majority of dudes on this forum, the last thing I would do is focus on women. However, if I do choose to focus on them, I definitely wouldn't be trying to master game. I would be hiring a pro 100% of the time. But if you're a high value man, you have some options in terms of what you can do.

Let me help u out; moar paragraphs.
Bro, I know that you're cool with many of the dudes on this forum, but tbh these m'fers are hustlin backwards. No successful man would ever think the way these cats do. Ever

They're averse to paying for women upfront, because they're broke, and can't grasp the simple concept that everything has a cost. For people like us that have a growth mindset, we rather just pay for what we want, and spend the rest of our time making more money. Whereas these cats who have a scarcity mindset, spend all of their soft currency, while keeping their bank accounts the same. Lol

They think we're trying to flex about paying to play. The flex is that we have so much money, that we can literally get any woman in the world, without spending a significant amount of time, effort, & energy. That's the flex. The only way they're able to get women, below avg ones at that, is if they spend all of their time trying to "game" them. They think it's more difficult trying to "game" women, than it is becoming a high net worth individual. This is how retarded their thinking is. They believe choosing the path of most resistance somehow makes them an Alpha or Player. It makes you a fuggin moron. That's what it makes you. No wonder they all end up in failed marriages & relationships. Everything they do is illogical and makes no sense. Tell me which apex predator in the animal kingdom chooses the path of most resistance? When Lions hunt, do they not go after the easiest kill that allows them to conserve their time, effort, & energy?

Putting their worthless anecdotal evidence aside, these dudes have to understand that in this world, beauty has a price. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price you have to be willing to pay for her. Think about how delusional an individual must be to think an avg guy has the same level of accessibility to true 10's that a high net worth individual would. Then think about what the probability is for that avg guy having sexual relations with a true 10. Professional pickup artists are able to only close the deal about 10-15 percent of the time, and that's mainly with avg women. With these cats that percentage would be much lower. If these cats tried to slide into the DMs of some of the IG models that we are talking about, and tried to "game" them, what they will find out is even if they are able to get a date with them, and got them back to their place, they will immediately ask them where's the cash at? At this level you can't "game" women. These cats think that we are overpaying for women. When in reality they are the ones who are overvaluing & overrating women. Case in pt. is Joy Taylor. When we try to tell these dudes she's a 5, it's based on what kind of compensation would a similar type of woman receive on the open market. It's not based on some subjective value system, that varies from man to man. When you allow the free market to properly value women, it helps to limit inflation. We are paying FAIR market value for women, because there are universal beauty standards that have to be applied here. That's what they're not understanding.

No other group of people have this sort of mentally towards pay to play. Only Black people think like this. One of the reasons for this is because of the sheer number of absentee fathers that exists within the community. Its a community comprised entirely of beta-simp males that are raised by single mothers. The goal of "game" is to get laid. It's not to find your next ex-wife. So if that's the goal, then the methodology that you utilize in order to achieve that, doesn't matter as much as the end result. In this community cats are trying to determine manhood based on the methodology instead of the actual result.

"MaN, ReAl AlPhAs DoNt PaY FoR *****."

"PaYiNg fOr ThE P, Is NoT PlAyA At aLl"

"ThEy HaVe To PaY BeCaUsE ThEy cAnT GeT ***** OfF tHe LiP"

Do you think Asians would ever have this sort of stupid *** mindset, if the men in their community had an avg salary of $40-50k? Maybe less time needs to be spent on trying to master "game" and more time on self-improvement, and learning new skills & competencies that are in demand. If you're a low value man like the majority of dudes on this forum, the last thing I would do is focus on women. However, if I do choose to focus on them, I definitely wouldn't be trying to master game. I would be hiring a pro 100% of the time. But if you're a high value man, you have some options in terms of what you can do.
Bro, I know that you're cool with many of the dudes on this forum, but tbh these m'fers are hustlin backwards. No successful man would ever think the way these cats do. Ever

They're averse to paying for women upfront, because they're broke, and can't grasp the simple concept that everything has a cost. For people like us that have a growth mindset, we rather just pay for what we want, and spend the rest of our time making more money. Whereas these cats who have a scarcity mindset, spend all of their soft currency, while keeping their bank accounts the same. Lol

They think we're trying to flex about paying to play. The flex is that we have so much money, that we can literally get any woman in the world, without spending a significant amount of time, effort, & energy. That's the flex. The only way they're able to get women, below avg ones at that, is if they spend all of their time trying to "game" them. They think it's more difficult trying to "game" women, than it is becoming a high net worth individual. This is how retarded their thinking is. They believe choosing the path of most resistance somehow makes them an Alpha or Player. It makes you a fuggin moron. That's what it makes you. No wonder they all end up in failed marriages & relationships. Everything they do is illogical and makes no sense. Tell me which apex predator in the animal kingdom chooses the path of most resistance? When Lions hunt, do they not go after the easiest kill that allows them to conserve their time, effort, & energy?

Putting their worthless anecdotal evidence aside, these dudes have to understand that in this world, beauty has a price. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price you have to be willing to pay for her. Think about how delusional an individual must be to think an avg guy has the same level of accessibility to true 10's that a high net worth individual would. Then think about what the probability is for that avg guy having sexual relations with a true 10. Professional pickup artists are able to only close the deal about 10-15 percent of the time, and that's mainly with avg women. With these cats that percentage would be much lower. If these cats tried to slide into the DMs of some of the IG models that we are talking about, and tried to "game" them, what they will find out is even if they are able to get a date with them, and got them back to their place, they will immediately ask them where's the cash at? At this level you can't "game" women. These cats think that we are overpaying for women. When in reality they are the ones who are overvaluing & overrating women. Case in pt. is Joy Taylor. When we try to tell these dudes she's a 5, it's based on what kind of compensation would a similar type of woman receive on the open market. It's not based on some subjective value system, that varies from man to man. When you allow the free market to properly value women, it helps to limit inflation. We are paying FAIR market value for women, because there are universal beauty standards that have to be applied here. That's what they're not understanding.

No other group of people have this sort of mentally towards pay to play. Only Black people think like this. One of the reasons for this is because of the sheer number of absentee fathers that exists within the community. Its a community comprised entirely of beta-simp males that are raised by single mothers. The goal of "game" is to get laid. It's not to find your next ex-wife. So if that's the goal, then the methodology that you utilize in order to achieve that, doesn't matter as much as the end result. In this community cats are trying to determine manhood based on the methodology instead of the actual result.

"MaN, ReAl AlPhAs DoNt PaY FoR *****."

"PaYiNg fOr ThE P, Is NoT PlAyA At aLl"

"ThEy HaVe To PaY BeCaUsE ThEy cAnT GeT ***** OfF tHe LiP"

Do you think Asians would ever have this sort of stupid *** mindset, if the men in their community had an avg salary of $40-50k? Maybe less time needs to be spent on trying to master "game" and more time on self-improvement, and learning new skills & competencies that are in demand. If you're a low value man like the majority of dudes on this forum, the last thing I would do is focus on women. However, if I do choose to focus on them, I definitely wouldn't be trying to master game. I would be hiring a pro 100% of the time. But if you're a high value man, you have some options in terms of what you can do.
@TheOriginalCane -

Trafficante is challenging you for the most inches!! “Pause”
Someone thought “scranton”cane was something other than white? 🤣

On the other hand, this Eagle Rare situation sounds positive.
From Scranton (area):

-Mike Munchak (my great grandmother told me I am relate to him, which is very Scranton)
-Bob Sura (Nole, but a good Nole IMO)
-Matt McGloin
-Gerry McNamara
-Rocket Ismail (black)

It’s no SFla, for sure.
Bro, I know that you're cool with many of the dudes on this forum, but tbh these m'fers are hustlin backwards. No successful man would ever think the way these cats do. Ever

They're averse to paying for women upfront, because they're broke, and can't grasp the simple concept that everything has a cost. For people like us that have a growth mindset, we rather just pay for what we want, and spend the rest of our time making more money. Whereas these cats who have a scarcity mindset, spend all of their soft currency, while keeping their bank accounts the same. Lol

They think we're trying to flex about paying to play. The flex is that we have so much money, that we can literally get any woman in the world, without spending a significant amount of time, effort, & energy. That's the flex. The only way they're able to get women, below avg ones at that, is if they spend all of their time trying to "game" them. They think it's more difficult trying to "game" women, than it is becoming a high net worth individual. This is how retarded their thinking is. They believe choosing the path of most resistance somehow makes them an Alpha or Player. It makes you a fuggin moron. That's what it makes you. No wonder they all end up in failed marriages & relationships. Everything they do is illogical and makes no sense. Tell me which apex predator in the animal kingdom chooses the path of most resistance? When Lions hunt, do they not go after the easiest kill that allows them to conserve their time, effort, & energy?

Putting their worthless anecdotal evidence aside, these dudes have to understand that in this world, beauty has a price. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price you have to be willing to pay for her. Think about how delusional an individual must be to think an avg guy has the same level of accessibility to true 10's that a high net worth individual would. Then think about what the probability is for that avg guy having sexual relations with a true 10. Professional pickup artists are able to only close the deal about 10-15 percent of the time, and that's mainly with avg women. With these cats that percentage would be much lower. If these cats tried to slide into the DMs of some of the IG models that we are talking about, and tried to "game" them, what they will find out is even if they are able to get a date with them, and got them back to their place, they will immediately ask them where's the cash at? At this level you can't "game" women. These cats think that we are overpaying for women. When in reality they are the ones who are overvaluing & overrating women. Case in pt. is Joy Taylor. When we try to tell these dudes she's a 5, it's based on what kind of compensation would a similar type of woman receive on the open market. It's not based on some subjective value system, that varies from man to man. When you allow the free market to properly value women, it helps to limit inflation. We are paying FAIR market value for women, because there are universal beauty standards that have to be applied here. That's what they're not understanding.

No other group of people have this sort of mentally towards pay to play. Only Black people think like this. One of the reasons for this is because of the sheer number of absentee fathers that exists within the community. Its a community comprised entirely of beta-simp males that are raised by single mothers. The goal of "game" is to get laid. It's not to find your next ex-wife. So if that's the goal, then the methodology that you utilize in order to achieve that, doesn't matter as much as the end result. In this community cats are trying to determine manhood based on the methodology instead of the actual result.

"MaN, ReAl AlPhAs DoNt PaY FoR *****."

"PaYiNg fOr ThE P, Is NoT PlAyA At aLl"

"ThEy HaVe To PaY BeCaUsE ThEy cAnT GeT ***** OfF tHe LiP"

Do you think Asians would ever have this sort of stupid *** mindset, if the men in their community had an avg salary of $40-50k? Maybe less time needs to be spent on trying to master "game" and more time on self-improvement, and learning new skills & competencies that are in demand. If you're a low value man like the majority of dudes on this forum, the last thing I would do is focus on women. However, if I do choose to focus on them, I definitely wouldn't be trying to master game. I would be hiring a pro 100% of the time. But if you're a high value man, you have some options in terms of what you can do.

"Only black people think like this"

Are you black? I'm not, but those are strong words.
From Scranton (area):

-Mike Munchak (my great grandmother told me I am relate to him, which is very Scranton)
-Bob Sura (Nole, but a good Nole IMO)
-Matt McGloin
-Gerry McNamara
-Rocket Ismail (black)

It’s no SFla, for sure.
Don’t forget about Nick Chickillo…

Sura went to GAR and Rocket went to Meyers, so we’ll throw in Greg Skrepenak too who played some pro ball after GAR and Michigan..(those high schools don’t even exist anymore as of a few years ago)

Technically McKinnie went to LJC for JUCO if I’m getting greedy!
I resisted getting personally involved in this thread bc I didn’t want to sound like a douche. Half a bottle of Eagle Rare + a sixers blowout loss have F'd that up.

I have an ex that I dated for like 3 years. After we broke up, she moved to LA. I just looked, and she now has 9.1M followers. She is 100% one of the type of girls @Trafficante is referring to.

We stayed in touch over the years. She has told me about the world she lives in, the people she has ****ed.

I bet this comes as no surprise to @Rellyrell - The first guys that come to mind are Paul Marciano that owns Guess, and Mohammed Hadid (gigi & bella's father). These are like the prototype dudes that trafficante is talking about. They have cash, they have power (promise modeling jobs, etc), they just want to **** hot young girls and move on. These dudes **** the hottest girls on the planet on a regular basis... and a regular guy like me has been with several of the same girls as them.

1. They are all ran through. Trust.

2. Any dude can get any one of them if the stars align properly. These are all just regular girls from some small hometown that are 100% obtainable (and usually totally insecure).

Last time I talked to this ex (I am married now... to a hot/smart/awesome European/Hungarian... no "conquering" American girls here, whatever TF that means), she basically bragged to me that she ****ed Rick Salomon, the guy that is famous for making a **** with Paris Hilton. That is the world this girl is in now. This dude Trafficante is acting like the girls he gets are for sale, yet only for him.. wholesome whores. I can tell you with 100% confidence, unicorns don't exist.

I've also heard 1st hand stories about Leo - specifically, about him going home with girls that you wouldn't ever think Leo would bang. Yes, celebs are just like us. They get drunk and decide that the kind-of-heavy girl is **** and he wants to bang her tonight.

Moral of the story is that this dude @Trafficante is full of ****. I apologize in advance for injecting myself into this thread, and I promise to be better in the future. And Avante is the best pure safety we've had since ST. I'll die on that hill. Go Canes.

You phuckin legend haha!!!
From Scranton (area):

-Mike Munchak (my great grandmother told me I am relate to him, which is very Scranton)
-Bob Sura (Nole, but a good Nole IMO)
-Matt McGloin
-Gerry McNamara
-Rocket Ismail (black)

It’s no SFla, for sure.
I have stumbled down Montage Mountain after a few concerts.