James Williams late hit penalty Clemson and accountability

Not to sound like Al Golden but he is not too slow to play safety. He just doesn’t know how to play safety.
He has the straight line speed but he can’t move laterally or in space like you need a safety.
Record aside can somebody tell me a worse canes team than this
I really don’t see him playing well at any position.

Folks said same about Zach McCloud. Pretty much a liability for most of his career. Fans laughed at the idea of him being a DE and said he was a waste of a roster space. To everyone's surprise, he actually turned into a contributor. Williams is a far more athletic player. I wouldn't give up on him just yet.
Low IQ , bad in space and has no business playing in the back end. I’m not sure if he has a position.

I think we've been beating this bush for a while now. Wholeheartedly agree and I'm certainly not an expert in all this. You can watch one drive and see he's garbage.

Maybe he's a great kid and I hope he succeeds in life. But he's not a football player.
That entire game Was a **** show obviously. But I think the thing that’s really bothering me about whether or not this entire team and culture can be turned around by Mario’s current approach is about the moment Williams got flagged for hitting the Clemson guy so far out of bounds that Georgia state troopers are considering an arrest.

If Mario is trying to change things can somebody please explain to me how over after such a blatantly undisciplined idiotic selfish play, why was James Williams still on the field right for the next snap?

I’m not a coach, didn’t play college level and don’t claim to be a board expert, but I’m totally baffled at game 11 when that play happens how a tough coach looking for players to play the right way a guy who hasn’t been making plays the entire season was still on the field. And it wasn’t his first boneheaded move this year.

Anyone have an explanation that makes sense because it feels to me that almost every other coach I could think of would have yanked his *** off the field and honestly expected more from Mario
Let’s be honest here.. at this point guys are frustrated with how the season has been. Passionate guys always get these penalties. I would rather him get over aggressive penalties than just let dudes walk all over us.
Parcells once said LT had different rules.

Williams ain't anywhere near LT. This is the kinda stuff that loses players. You preach accountability and rip into one kid one week and then leave Williams in the game.
Now this is funny. You’re comparing a player who absolutely has a position vs a player who has none.

CM is going to naturally gain the weight needed to play at this level. JW has been trying not to gain weight because he wants to stay at safety. If he just grew into what his body should be with SC he would already be lb size. He’s physically weak when he makes contact. I would love to know what he actually does in the weight room.

How do you know that JW has no position and is not trying to gain weight? Are you privy to sensitive info that the rest of us are not privy to? You ever thought that maybe JW's a slow gainer? Real talk, from the outside looking in, the kid doesn't look like He has the frame that can carry some of the ridiculous weight gains that some y'all are talking about LOL. And frankly again, I think JW's problems are threefold...I think He needs some type of therapy from losing His Mom at such a young age...I think He's still growing into such a rare frame for a Safety...and lastly, I think He's thinking too much on the field, you can see it. He'll be alright, I think Him & Kitchens will be one of the best Safety duos in CFB next season, we'll be alright.
Said the same **** last year and I got negged to death of course. I didn’t see him with him last year and he was a walking unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Maybe next time those fools will listen to the board drunk.
How do you know that JW has no position and is not trying to gain weight? Are you privy to sensitive info that the rest of us are not privy to? You ever thought that maybe JW's a slow gainer? Real talk, from the outside looking in, the kid doesn't look like He has the frame that can carry some of the ridiculous weight gains that some y'all are talking about LOL. And frankly again, I think JW's problems are threefold...I think He needs some type of therapy from losing His Mom at such a young age...I think He's still growing into such a rare frame for a Safety...and lastly, I think He's thinking too much on the field, you can see it. He'll be alright, I think Him & Kitchens will be one of the best Safety duos in CFB next season, we'll be alright.
I know because our own insiders on this board have talked about it multiple times. Its true he's trying to stay small to play safety. And you're totally wrong about his frame, he could carry more weight easily.
We will need a safety in the portal. Not sure who else is back and it’s scary in terms of depth after Kam. If he were to go down next year….yikes.
James is the enforcer he knocks **** loose… that weak *** penalty wasn’t the defining moment of the game so save the *****ing and moaning. JW is one of the few dogs on this team.
U slurping mad hard for a person who hasn’t done anything impactful y’all year.
And you're totally wrong about his frame, he could carry more weight easily.

No He doesn't Bro, His skeletal structure can't support the ridiculous weight that some are talking about on here. **** somebody in this thread tried to compare Him to Ray Ray Armstrong, two totally different body types. Ray Ray was thick boned, you could see He was going to grow into a LB.
I’ve been told LB is very possible next year as a permanent move but I have some doubts he can even do that. I guess we’ll see.
He cant ive said it multiple times and no one on this board has seen him play more than me.

He is not the type that will do well dealing with offensive lineman an keys... you can also ask Macho who coached agaisnt him.

His best bet is being at the lb spot int he sub package of 3rd and longs allowing speedier guys on the back end with Kam.

This off szn i thinbk he should add weight to his lower body and them using him in that way...im tired of seeing him have to tell ppl where to line up b4 or after a play seems like only him and Flagg can do this....that clearly affected his play as he started to look lost as well.

Hes a kid that wants to win and want to play with ppl with the same feeling..that play was all frustration.

I would say i doubt Mario actuallyu saw it being on the other side of the field as the reason he didnt come out because that was soo egregious.

his position is as a jumbo /safety osrt of switch army knife type....has to be a dc that knows how to incorporate him correctly i thought Steele would be able to...i was wrong.
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The game was another train wreck, but when #0 stayed on the field after the selfish, brain fart penalty serious Canes fans lost it. So much for Mario and his tough guy BS. The idea he may not have seen it because it was on the opposite sideline is also BS. Presumably we have a legion of assistants, GAs, analysts, etc. on the sideline and in the booth and none saw it or uttered a peep in the head coach's headset? If we then assume they're all blind, then it should be engrained in players that when you're hit with a personal foul penalty or do something egregious you know to head to the sideline - without a coach calling - for at least a few plays or series.

You can't preach discipline and let that go without immediate consequences. You lose credibility. You risk losing the players. And what's the culture if you let that slide. Like it was said elsewhere, this ain't Lawrence Taylor. Don't rip players, but also don't want to hear how he plays with passion and cares more than other players. ****, if he was a 5-11 safety, didn't come with all the hype and wore a different number doubt he'd still be seeing the field. And LB or DE are not in the cards.
I don't think he has any position to play on defense. He's a lost cause on that side of the ball.

His only shot would be to convert him to tight end, because that's the only position his body fits. But tight end depth is one of the few strengths on this team.

He's just not a very smart or disciplined football player. Don't see how he fits into turning this program around.