D$ and Pete saying he is set to become the next head coach means he got the job. I trust my brothers’ word. If it isn’t official until the presser for you, then that’s on you. Rest of your posts are nonsense, you’re corny.1. Stop lying. You posted about liking Chris Quinn on February 24th and he was mentioned as a top candidate in early February. Jai Lucas wasn't named coach until March 5th. Just stop it with the semantics. There were no "finalists", nobody was interviewed except for Lucas. But there were several top candidates. Quinn was one. You knew that. You posted about him and other names well before Lucas got the job. So stop lying about how "I didn't post until Lucas got the job". That's not true. You posted for weeks before Lucas got the job.
D$ and Pete saying he is set to become the next head coach means he got the job. I trust my brothers’ word. If it isn’t official until the presser for you, then that’s on you. Rest of your posts are nonsense, you’re corny.
So, not only did you selectively respond to ONE of my multiple points, you also have added new qualifiers.
But the the truth is the truth. Blaming Pete and D$ is no excuse. You were wrong, and now you try to spin it away.
What's next, you're going to try to convince people that you were really referring to the diagnosis from Radakovich's optometrist? Or gaslight us into believing you didn't try to play the race card out of nowhere?
You are still behaving in a dishonest fashion.
Shortly after Feb 22, dozens of reporters confirmed what CiS reported. Except Gary Ferman.