Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

He was one of my favorite players growing up. That's cool.
He was a running back in high school and only really got an offer from Iowa because there was a relationship with the coaches

Playing backyard ball a little earlier there would be rules how many times he would be allowed to get the ball 😂 he was so ******* fast

I figured he was since he was likely recruited in 1977/1978. Howard arrived in 1979, but not sure exactly what time of the year. I was a kid and the internet was not accessible to me then
Howard came a week after Saban resigned. He was OC for Shula at the time and saw the change in recruiting momentum Saban had started. IN addition to Kelly, Saban also recruited Lester Williams Jim Burt, and Fred Marion.
I would rank Sam Jankovich fourth. As you said, he brought in Jimmy Johnson and Dennis Erickson.

And I not sure Zo and Bratton were the first "local" national stars to stay home. You may be correct, but where were Eddie Edwards and Ottis Anderson ranked?
It's hard to say. The Parade All American was the only thing available to the public at the time. Lester Williams was the first national recruit I remember. It was considered a big coup back then.
Mark D'Onofrio really brought back the toughness & lunch pale attitude that had been missing. :::heads explode:::

Tim Reynolds eating in the background.
Wouldn't Kelly's statistics of 33TD and 28 INTS be considered Van Dyke like except, in four years VanDyke was 54 and 28,
The game is a little more pass friendly these days. 55% completions and 33/28 was good enough to be a first rounder in 82. Marino had a career 74/64 ratio and threw more picks than touchdowns as a senior.
Think you’re missing the point. Nobody is arguing they are or were good coaches. Do you really think any of those guys would want to coach in this era of college football with the way recruiting is, NIL, media, etc? Living in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s is partly why we’ve sucked for 20 years, let’s quit trying to recreate those years. Adapt and evolve to current times, which I think Mario is trying to do.

We hire Patterson or Butch after Radio flamed out, we would have at least 2 championships more... nope... butt hurt Prez, AD and Hecht rather pee in their own cereal bowl than hire proven coaches
I would rank Sam Jankovich fourth. As you said, he brought in Jimmy Johnson and Dennis Erickson.

And I not sure Zo and Bratton were the first "local" national stars to stay home. You may be correct, but where were Eddie Edwards and Ottis Anderson ranked?
a reasonable argument for sure