Jaden Harris Mom is not having it

Parents have to learn how to detach their feelings. Truth is, 90% of fans can't even tell you what all is going on between the whistle.
This. And stay off social media. The good will never outweigh the bad.

As for criticizing players, they wanted professional compensation & sadly it comes with the territory. I find it tacky but to each his own.

Kinda is not a word
Youre doing good moving on from sign language

He would be the first one to tell you he did not perform as well as he wanted, but may be part of that had to do with him needing surgery that the team wouldn’t let him get and push it off to the off-season, and no one wants to acknowledge that part as well. Funny how he fell up to Georgia though, huh
Not disagreeing with you (again, wild, I know -- ******* 2025)... but we all knew at a certain point that the post season -- "what you guys did not know was that all these guys were really hurt all year" ... as if that will make fans feel better and distract us from the natural blame game..
Agreed, so many of our fans expect these kids to roll out and be good to go. They have lost the idea of developing players. An 18 yr old is not gonna play like a 22yr olds if they do(Bain) is rare, and even those phenoms can have a drop off in yr 2, and coaches make adjustments to their game and they move on. Coaching up players is a real thing and important to overall player development. But some among us can’t/wont grasp that concept.
There should be a study in the future to see if most future nfl guys who start or are stars portaled and bounced alot or did they stay and develop at one school
Jaden Harris mom will tell him what he wants to hear, “oh baby, you are the best safety in the world.”

Meanwhile I’m going to tell him what he needs to hear, “you are the worst safety in Miami history, thank you for transferring and get better”

Good riddance
There should be a study in the future to see if most future nfl guys who start or are stars portaled and bounced alot or did they stay and develop at one school

I always find it hilarious that many posters on here get so butthurt when posters criticize the coaches but then those same posters are the first to slam the actual players into oblivion.
Both True
I always find it hilarious that many posters on here get so butthurt when posters criticize the coaches but then those same posters are the first to slam the actual players into oblivion.
Can't we trash both without reprisal if we ******* suck or fail to reach expectation?
There should be a study in the future to see if most future nfl guys who start or are stars portaled and bounced alot or did they stay and develop at one school
Indeed, hopefully that study is under way NOW. But that could be asking a lot.especially for people mor interested in chasing the power and glory and money in CFB. And less inclined in the actual players.
Your correction of my statement is incomplete.. I did not make a complete sentence. “ I did not bring up the English language STATEMENT. (Period, not ….) SECONDLY (capitalized) , fast typing mistakes aren’t equal to MIS-USED WORDS, professor. LET’S (capitalized) get back to football!”
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Her son is a somebody, you are nobody… ain’t got to prove chit to u.. prove you are a good fan and good man …encourage, promote lift up.

He is SOMEBODY...SOMEBODY who gets BURNED like a hooker on the vegas srtip. You keep poppin ya mouth bum.
I’m not the one who brought up the english language… second, fast typing mistakes aren’t equal to mis-use professor…..get back to football… this is fun though
Your correction of my statement is incomplete.. I did not make a complete sentence. “ I did not bring up the English language STATEMENT. (Period, not ….) SECONDLY (capitalized) , fast typing mistakes aren’t equal to MIS-USED WORDS, professor. LET’S (capitalized) get back to football!”
Your continued misuse of the word “mis-use” is disturbing.