2025 Jaboree "SlimeTo" Antoine 4* CB from LA

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suicide GIF by David
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
So at what point do the money people will temper their expectations after going all in let's say 4-5 years and maybe getting 2-3 more wins per season with an "in house" but in reality bad coach whose only real quality is recruiting but at the same time can't get to Florida recruits to stay home? All of this while we are counting out UF but when Billy is canned they will go all in with a proven HC.
Because this “ in reality bad coach “ is stupid. The man’s won games at Oregon. He can certainly do the same here. 11-2 gets you in the playoff. Same BS was said about Butch. Had he not proven he could win 11 games before I’d feel different. This recruiting class isn’t finished. Let it play out.
The amount of assumptions and speculation in one post is truly amazing. This is real skill.
if we were in a courtroom your entire post would be stricken from the record and the judge would admonish you.

Since we are not in a court room, carry on.
Why? I understand the line between having an informed, dissenting, opinion and "mope" can be blurry at times. But the line is pretty clear between mope and troll.

I understand dissenting opinion, and this is America (still), but this guy provides absolutely nothing. All 500 posts are exactly the same. Just straight trolling for the sake of trolling.
Why? I understand the line between having an informed, dissenting, opinion and "mope" can be blurry at times. But the line is pretty clear between mope and troll.

I understand dissenting opinion, and this is America (still), but this guy provides absolutely nothing. All 500 posts are exactly the same. Just straight trolling for the sake of trolling.
As mods we have this debate all the time and the questions is always basically as follows;
‘do we allow freedom of speech/expression in any circumstance that is not vulgar, insulting or clearly inappropriate, or do we curtail it when we completely reject what has been written’.
And to your point, frequency of the line of comments plays a part. People can wear out their welcome to dissent when that is all they do or when we feel the dissension is being done simply to rabble rouse.

We have generally come down on the side of freedom of speech/expression even when we wholeheartedly disagree with the comment. And on a personal note, I struggle with whether I should even reply to comments that I disagree with in that I don’t want to overly influence other members of CIS.

In short, we have chosen to restrain ourselves to the extent that we can and allow open dialogue so long as it does not cross the last line as described above; vulgar, insulting, inappropriate, etc. Certain posters like the one you noted test our patience and our principles on an almost daily basis.

All that aside, I will take your point to the Mods and see if there is any consensus as to the specific poster.
Why? I understand the line between having an informed, dissenting, opinion and "mope" can be blurry at times. But the line is pretty clear between mope and troll.

I understand dissenting opinion, and this is America (still), but this guy provides absolutely nothing. All 500 posts are exactly the same. Just straight trolling for the sake of trolling.
As mods we have this debate all the time and the questions is always basically as follows;
‘do we allow freedom of speech/expression in any circumstance that is not vulgar, insulting or clearly inappropriate, or do we curtail it when we completely reject what has been written’.
And to your point, frequency of the line of comments plays a part. People can wear out their welcome to dissent when that is all they do or when we feel the dissension is being done simply to rabble rouse.

We have generally come down on the side of freedom of speech/expression even when we wholeheartedly disagree with the comment. And on a personal note, I struggle with whether I should even reply to comments that I disagree with in that I don’t want to overly influence other members of CIS.

In short, we have chosen to restrain ourselves to the extent that we can and allow open dialogue so long as it does not cross the last line as described above; vulgar, insulting, inappropriate, etc. Certain posters like the one you noted test our patience and our principles on an almost daily basis.

All that aside, I will take your point to the Mods and see if there is any consensus as to the specific poster.
If you get rid of this obvious troll, absolutely no one would mind, and the board would be a much better place
Maybe, but t some point you have to ask yourself what is the common denominator in why you generate so much negative attention? The simple answer is that your posts are viewed by a great number of posters as not only negative, but as though you look to find the negative in every subject; the proverbial glass half empty. And maybe even find some almost sadistic pleasure in being negative and trying to bring others down to your level of negativity.

Maybe I am the one who is wrong and maybe you don’t deserve this online lecture, but sometimes we all have to ask ourselves whether we are the common denominator.
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