In the 22 seasons played this century, we've successfully recruited 20 young men who played their HS ball in Florida. Less than one a year on average.
Under Coach L (2012-21), the number is 11 recruits in 11 seasons:
Kenny Kadji, Amp Lawrence, Zach Johnson, Dewan Huell, Keith Stone, Harlond Beverly, Angel Rodriguez, Tonye Jekiri, DeAndre Burnett, Joe Thomas, and Shane Larkin.
Frank Haith (2004-11) brought in 6 local kids in 7 years:
Adrian Thomas, Dwayne Collins, Brian Asbury, Eddie Rios, Keaton Copeland, and Denis Clemente
Under Perry Clark (2000-03), the numbers are 3 kids in 4 years:
Ishmael N'diaye, Guillermo Diaz, and Marcus Barnes
When I get some time, I'll add Leonard Hamilton's record to this mix. Anyone expecting it to be much different?